IELTS Speaking Long Turn Samples: View examples answers for IELTS Part 2 speaking topics IELTS Sample Speaking Test - Education View an IELTS sample speaking test on the topic of education.Join IELTS buddy for Free IELTS Tips!CommentsAny comments or questions about this page or about IELTS? Post...
Take somePart 2 questions,a stopwatch and practice answering the question like in a real exam. Give yourself one minute to prepare, make some notes, and the try speaking for 1 to 2 minutes. It’s also a good idea to record yourself and then listen back to your answer to see where yo...
IELTS Speaking Part 2requires you to deliver a short speech on a specific topic based on a prompt card. You’ll have one minute to prepare and then speak for 1-2 minutes, demonstrating your ability to organize and present your thoughts coherently. Describe a time during your education that ...
This is a full IELTS Speaking sample with questions related to Education topic.See IELTS Speaking vocabulary for Education topic > You probably know what do such phrases as "bookworm" or "bachelor's degree" mean. However, it's not enough to simply know the meaning! In IELTS Speaking test ...
The skills which this school gave me were extraordinary. The school was expensive but the knowledge which I acquired from International School of Choueifat has played an indispensable role in my life. I have not yet become successful in life but the education which I got from Choueifat has help...
it would be 9 years ago. Some people say that it was just yesterday but I think that I do not even remember the event properly and if would be real hard for me to recall all those memories. In Pakistan, graduation mostly referred to 14 years of education, but in the international educ...
This speaking questions list covers a range of topics commonly found on the IELTS Speaking exam, from family and education to travel and culture. Table of Contents IELTS Speaking Part 2 cue card topics and sample answers Recent IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions: 2020 till date ...
Ieltsspeakingeducation EDUCATION 1.Doyouworkorareyouastudent?2.Whatsubjectareyoustudying?3.What'syourfavoritesubjectatschool?4.Whydidyouchoosethissubject?5.Tellmeaboutyourstudentlife.6.Doyoulikeyourschoollife?第1页/共31页 Doyouworkorareyouastudent?Partone必考题 第2页/共31页 Student •High\...
Speaking Unit 1 Education Focus on Part 1 of the IELTS Speaking Test WARM-UP 1. Listen to these sentences and repeat them. a. I’m an English student. b. I’m studying at New Oriental Foreign Language School. c. I need to improve my English. d. I want to take the IELTS exam. ...
Ideas in Speaking Part 3: This part of the test is different. This part is no longer about your personal experiences. It is about world issues and broader topics such as the environment, communication, skills, education, crime etc. You definitely need ideas and vocabulary to be able to spe...