Our IELTS MasterClass course is designed comprehensively by combining two important methods: the "Learning Pyramid" model and the "Spaced Repetition" technique. The "Spaced Repetition" method is a crucial tool for reinforcing knowledge. Instead of learning once and forgetting, this method involves rep...
见人就推!《IELTS Vocabulary Masterclass 8.5》 就是这一本《IELTS Vocabulary Masterclass 8.5》 推荐指数:⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 推荐理由:这本书整理了针对雅思考试的8.5级核心词汇➕答案解析。 全书一共24个话题,包括雅思写作、雅思阅读、雅思听力、雅思口语词汇,一本书带你全面攻破四大板块! 本书还细分出了以...
IELTS Masterclass event information The IELTS Masterclass helps you understand how to display advanced English skills during the IELTS test. It’s designed to help you feel more confident in your ability to reach a high band score. This free, 90-minute session will help you: ...
📘书名:《IELTS Vocabulary Masterclass 8.5》(文末附领取方式) . ✅推荐指数:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 ✅推荐理由:本书整理了针对雅思考试8.5级的核心词汇➕答案解析。 全书分为24个话题,包含了雅思听力、雅思阅读、雅思写作、雅思口语词汇,一本书就可以带你攻破雅思四大板块👍 另外本书还细分出了以26个字母...
IELTS Masterclass Take your IELTS preparation to the next level with our comprehensive free Masterclass. Enrol today! Book your Masterclass IELTS by IDP App The official IELTS preparation app is free and provides an easy way to prepare well, book your IELTS, and check your results. Learn more...
IELTS writing masterclass 8.5 IELTS writing masterclass 8.5 IELTS writing masterclass 8.5
ielts masterclass学生用书课后答案 【答案】:这本书是用来教学生在遇到问题时,如何用英语来解决的,非常的实用。在写作业时或者学习语言之前,如果想要把问题想得更深入一点,可以利用这本书为自己量身定做一个写作练习题。而下面几个练习题是我所用书中很难想到却又很实用的练习题,请同学们按照自己平时的英语水平...
IELTS Masterclass 作者:Andrew Jurascheck 出版年:2006-10 页数:108 定价:$ 27.19 ISBN:9780194575355 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 + 加入购书单
为什么没人早点告诉我这本雅思词汇书 | 📓书名:《IELTS VOCABULARY MASTERCLASS 8.5》 · 💠这本书是通过话题分类词汇的,有2️⃣4️⃣个话题,全面攻破听、说、读、写四科词汇量不够的问题! 💠对于复习词汇更有针对性,单词释义是英文,英译解释会比中文释义更加的准确。
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