If you answer is Yes to questions 1-4, then you need to get myAdvanced Writing Task 2 Lessons. If your answer is Yes to questions 5 & 6, then you need to get myIdeas for Essay Topics E-book. Click here:Visit IELTS Liz’s Store IELTS Essay Marking Service I hope to have this se...
Welcome to my FREE IELTS Preparation Website. I’m Liz. My website contains hundreds of IELTS lessons, IELTS test tips, topics, model answers etc to help you prepare properly for your IELTS Test. Gaining a clear understanding of the test requirements and developing essential IELTS exam skills ...
2. Task 1推荐的外文网站是http://ieltsliz.com,Liz同样是雅思(前)考官,个人认为她在Task 1部分的范文比Task 2的更有借鉴意义,这部分的网址是http://ieltsliz.com/ielts-writing-task-1-lessons-and-tips/,同样每种graph包括map/flow都有model answer,有的是她自己写的,有的是她的学生写的,基本都是8-9...
在线方面的话,IELTS Liz有大量的关于雅思测验的信息和技巧,以及最近的雅思问题和话题清单。 Also, check out IELTS-Simon, which has lots of useful advice, especially for the writing exam. 同样地,大家可以看下IELTS-Simon,里面大量有用的建议,特别是写作方面的。 There are other good websites and online...
没人告诉我liz这么美啊!这都可以五颜一了吧!! Sooying_ya 【24年最全Simon网课】刷完雅思写作直接上7分!中英文字幕+内附写作资料+大小作文范文 雅思哥上岸啦 2:33:30 THE 1ST WORLD TOUR [SHOW WHAT I HAVE] 蓝光全场 李涩琪 24420 【雅思词汇】7天背完8800个雅思单词《雅思词汇真经》硬核记忆,过目不忘...
2.IELTS Liz:http://ieltsliz.com/(喜欢看网课的) Liz老师偏爱录课,视频的话基于油管的,自己花钱翻个墙,看的飞起,免费的 3.DC IELTS:http://www.dcielts.com/(喜欢看干货的) 全部都是干货输出,作文部分很值得看 4.Ieltsadvantage:IELTS Advantage(小白党适合) ...
So, hence, accordingly Providing a conclusion In conclusion, to conclude, in summary, overall To sum up, to summarize, in brie And there's another picture I found on the website, from IELTSLiz.com. 这也是一个比较好的雅思备考网站。
IELTS Liz IELTS Liz has been around for a long time and is considered by some to be the gold standard of IELTS websites. Her advice is excellent and she is a native speaker of English. She understands the IELTS exam and offers realistic suggestions. She offers a wide array of free resou...
IELTS Liz Store News Due to long term illness I have had to pause making new advanced lessons. But as soon as I'm feeling stronger, I'll continue. Next comes IELTS Advanced Reading Lessons. I hope to have Advanced Lessons for all parts of the IELTS test. Can't use Paypal? At present...