2. Listening Section 4 Section, Time Allotted - 30 mins. 3. Speaking Section Time Allotted - 11 to 15 mins 4. Writing Section 2 Sections, Time Allotted - 20 mins for 1 section and 40 mins for other section Total Time 2 hours, 45 minutes Nature of Exam Paper Based Test (PBT) & Com...
1. Listening British Accent - Part 1 of test - 30 min + 10 min transfer time - General and Academic = Same - Played only once - extra time at end of section - 4 Sections - 10 questions per section Listening tips - Write no more than three words - Get used to British English(BBC)...
I took the IELTS test yesterday, and I got a little bit confused during the Listening part. I was allowed to write 'One Word And / Or one Number' and one question was about writing a time. The speaker said that her store closes at 6. So I wrote exactly as I heard '6'. Is it...
IELTS 雅思Listening聽力,無論A版或GT版,試題均一樣,並分為4個sections:Section 1及2內容圍繞「生活及社會」,Section 3及4內容則圍繞「學術及世界;另外,Section 1及3都是一段對話(2-way communication) ,而Section 2及4卻是一個人的獨白(1- way presentation) 。各Section共10題,全卷共40題。可以列表如下:...
IELTS Listening 雅思听力基本介绍 PARTONEIntroduction 4 Sections questions:10times4 4030 minutesplus10minutesforAnswerstransferring Section 1&Section2:Thefirsttwosectionsareconcernedwithsocialneeds.Thereisaconversationbetweentwospeakersandthenamonologue.Forexample–aconversationabouttravel...
16.2 section2 充分理解题意,明明听懂了没有做出来很亏 继续加强理解,比如site是地点 理解主语,谁发出的动作,发出了什么动作 找一些语义的对应 比如popular和new之间的反义关系。 12.8 section2 地图部分 winding road 弯弯曲曲的小路, 同时可能会描述一整条路线,不要轻易得出答案 注意: junction 十字路口 next to...
If you add up all that the time you spend listening to podcasts or YouTube or, you know, look watching TED Talks, it's a lot less than you think.如果你把你花在听播客或油管视频或看 TED 演讲上的时间加起来,比你想象的少得多。Um, but it's so easy these days to listen to English ...
文档热度: 文档分类: 中学教育--试题 文档标签: ieltslistening基本介绍 系统标签: listeningieltshot欢迎会介绍场景 PARTONE Introduction 4Sections 40questions:10times4 30minutesplus10minutesforAnswers transferring Section1&Section2: Thefirsttwosectionsareconcernedwithsocialneeds.Thereisaconversationbetweentwo speaker...
1) IELTS listening section 1 is based on social or real-life situations. For example, everyday events, such as conversations about accommodation or shopping, or short talks giving practical information for daily living, travel arrangements, visiting a new city, visiting a new university campus or...
雅思听力(IELTS Listening)全攻略:描述人物相貌特征的场景 IELTS 听力考试中经常会反复考到描述人物相貌特征的场景。 如2000 年 5 月末北京地区的听力考题,section 1 考到了两名强盗抢劫一位老妇的场景,其中问到了 两名罪犯的相貌特征。一名罪犯的特征是瘦而且高 slim and tall, 而另一名罪犯的特征是下巴(chin)...