Our tests are in digital download (PDF) format, and you can buy each test individually. You will be able to download your practice tests immediately after your payment details have been entered into the shopping cart. Our IELTS PDF Downloads include: –Academic practice questions, with listenin...
Listening for IELTS(Collins)资料简介:本书通过不同题材的录音及文本作为练习材料,让烤鸭们可以在熟悉雅思题材的同时强化听力的各种题型,以及如何应对的技巧训练~作者简介:Jo Tomlinson has a broad range of experience teaching academic English and IELTS in both private college and university settings, including ...
IELTS LISTENING 雅思听力题40套 4个PDF+音频 本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。未经许可,不得转载。来自csliu2222 0 大家还在看 Barrons IELTS 4th 共505页 含音频+雅思考试资源 csliu2222 百家号 雅思听力4部曲:每部分题型和材料全面分析 Lingoleap小跃 百家号 Listening Strategies for...
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0:00 / 15:06 720p Example questions for the 4 sections of the IELTS listening test, and suggestions for listening practice. Listening, lesson 2 - All Videos ▶ Example questions, further practice 15:06 Documents Listening worksheet.pdf Download Web...
内容课件教案ielts listening.pdf,SECTION EXERCISE Exercise 1: Name and ce Listen and fill in each blank with proper answers. 1. ___ is from ___. 2. ___ is from Scotland. 3. ___ is from ___ ...
IELTS Actual Test Reading and Listening PDF+音频 IELTS Actual Test Reading and Listening PDF+音频 IELTS Actual Test Reading and Listening PDF+音频
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Free IELTS listening practice test. Over 125 listening tests online. Get a high band score. Includes lessons, tips, videos answer explanations, and score reports.
This is a great website for practicing IELTS. I tried many of your tests in Listening and Reading. I also practiced writing with your writing evaluation service. I have received 6.0 as my estimated score and still looking to improve it for the actual exam. I'm excited to know that there...