Use this calculator to predict your section and whole-test scores, and to convert your raw IELTS Listening and IELTS Reading scores to band scores! How IELTS Calculates Band Scores So, how are IELTS Academic and General band scores calculated? To determine your IELTS score, the makers of the...
If you know the differences between IELTS Academic vs IELTS General, then you’ll pick the correct pathway to shine in your career. Learn A-Z about them now!
IELTS is required for entry to university in the UK and other countries.What is the IELTS General test like?The General version of IELTS is easier than the academic version. The IELTS General Training test is suitable for those applying to study below degree level. This includes an English-...
It is recommended for candidates who have a band score of 4 and above. The book contains 8 official practice tests and the first of these includes step-by-step guidance. It focuses more on the academic test than the general training test. The book provides content that is concise, alo...
IELTS is required for entry to university in the UK and other countries.What is the IELTS Academic test like?The Academic version of IELTS is harder than the general version. All candidates do the same Listening and Speaking sections. The test has four sections: ...
Learn what IELTS band scores mean, how they are calculated from detailed IELTS band score tables and country-specific requirements from this article.
I’ve got a small question; is this the same thing which we will get for the General IELTS as well? I got to band score 8 each :( It’s been only couple of days that I have started studying for IELTS. What’s the difference between Genaral and Academic IELTS ? Reez ...
Its contents include real test questions in all IELTS academic reading sections, and show by test date. IELTS Exam Questions of All Sections: Academic Test Speaking Listening Reading Writing General Test Reading Writing 2025-02-08: Section 1 The first passage: A project to solve indoor ...
The IELTS Listening format is the same for both Academic and IELTS General tests. Here’s a breakdown of all the necessary details: Instructions for the IELTS Test-Takers In the actual test, examinees will be given certain instructions and at the end, they will be asked to hand in the ...