IELTS Exam - International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is jointly managed by British Council, IDP. Know all about IELTS 2025 such as exams dates, registration, admit card, pattern, syllabus, preparation tips, mock test and result.
IELTS exam dates are available throughout the year and one can attempt the IELTS computer version test on all seven days of the month, which excludes national holidays and other festivals. IELTS Paper-based test dates are available for booking up to 4 times in a particular month. A good sco...
IELTS exam dates 2025 TheIELTS test datesare available several times throughout the year, up to 3 times a day and 7 days a week forIELTS on Computer, 4 times a month, and 48 times a year forpaper-based IELTS. It is always a good idea to know the IELTS schedule in advance so that...
When are the IELTS Test Dates? The IELTS exam has two sets of test dates available. They are global IELTS exam dates and regional/local IELTS exam dates. Below you will learn about the differences between these two sets of test dates. Global IELTS Exam Dates Global IELTS test dates are ...
There is no fixed exam for the IELTS test. The candidate has to choose his or her nearest test center and book from the dates that are available on these days. The test centers and TOEFL Exam Dates may vary with localities, countries, and the test provider you are going with (British ...
IELTS dates in 2022 are now available for booking your IELTS Exam Seat on specific given date to appear in IELTS general training or IELTS academic test module. Please refer to the following IELTS Test Dates Table for 2022 year: Table Abbreviations: Academic:IELTS Academic,Acad:IELTS Academic,GT...
only the Reading and Writing sections of the exam. Test-takers appearing for IELTS in 2025 will be required to answer 85 questions within a timeframe of 2 hours and 45 minutes. If you plan to take the IELTS exam in May 2025, you can choose from the following dates: 15th to 31st of ...
IELTS test is available on 48 fixed dates per year (up to four times a month), depending on the local demand. The candidates have the freedom of giving the exam on any of the 48 days in as per their convenience. IELTS registration can be done any time throughout the year. Apart from...
In In Save your seat now for your IELTS exam! Click Register Now to see available dates for both IELTS on Paper and IELTS on Computer Tests REGISTER NOW Applying for PR? Receive expert guidance from our licensed immigration consultant partn...
STEP 2-The applicant will need to select their country and city to check the date of the exam. Then, they must choose between the 'One Skill Retake' or 'UKVI Approved' tests. Click on the 'Apply Filter' option available on the right. A list of the IELTS test centers in the country...