Task 2: You will be asked to write an essay in response to a point of view, argument, or problem. IELTS Speaking Section Duration: 11-14 minutes IELTS Format: Introduction and interview, Cue Card/Candidate Task Card, and Discussion IELTS Scoring: IELTS scores range from 0 to 9, with eac...
Task 2 Practice Tests Task 2 tests ask you to write an opinion about eithercars and alternative transportationornuclear technology.You have 40 minutes to write your essay. Read the prompt with the question and write 250 words before the timer reaches zero. IELTS Task 2 practice test Sample IEL...
IELTS Writing Task 2: Opinion Essays Explained Haniya Yashfeen Some People Think That Parents Should Teach Children How to be Good Members of Society - IELTS Writing Task 2 Haniya Yashfeen IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Essays Raajdeep Saha ...
IELTS ESSAY No: 38; The advantages of considering English as a global language will continue to outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree? Essay prepared by Netto, the Director of Camford Academy A language is tacitly a medium of expression. However, of late, it has started li...
The above point is certainly true; this essay will outline three reasons.来源:考试大 The main reason is that tobacco is a silent killer to smokers. Tobacco is known to be the probable cause of some 25 different diseases, and for some,such as lung cancer, bronchitis and emphysema, it is ...
n. [论文,文章] essay; editorial; individual thing or element of a class ashamed:a. [羞愧的,惭愧的,不好意思] affected by shame; abashed or confused by guilt aside:ad. [在旁边,向旁边,撇开] on, or to, one side; out of a straight line, course, or direction; at a little distance ...
Paraphrase the overall essay topic. Write a clear opinion. 1. Supporters of this policy argue that it has been effective in the past. 2. The best known corollary would be the high price of tobacco products in many nations. 3. Countries where prices are low, such as Indonesia, Vietnam, ...
Bengaluru Gurgaon City Scape Gurgaon BPTP Kolkata Chennai Hyderabad Mumbai Bengaluru Girnarsoft Education Services Pvt.Ltd.(GMU) Pride Hulkul,6th floor,601,116,Lalbagh Main Road,Bengaluru-560027 +91-8512093920 admin@ieltsmaterial.in Bengaluru
IELTS Listening 雅思听力基本介绍 PARTONEIntroduction 4 Sections questions:10times4 4030 minutesplus10minutesforAnswerstransferring Section 1&Section2:Thefirsttwosectionsareconcernedwithsocialneeds.Thereisaconversationbetweentwospeakersandthenamonologue.Forexample–aconversationabouttravel...
Problem Solution Essay This is less common and is often confused for the Cause Solution Essay so watch out and pay attention to the word. You will be presented with an issue, such as more people moving to urban areas for work. You will then see two questions. Below is an example of ho...