中国香港雅思报考流程 首先登录雅思官网: 考试时间选择: 1、选择需要报考的考试类型 2、考区选择 我们报名的是香港,所以输入【Hongkong】 香港考区的考点如下: 香港岛,葵涌,旺角&佐敦,尖沙咀,沙田,荃湾。 注意:后面三个考场需要考生年龄在18岁以上 3.根据考生情况...
1. 香港 BC 官网:[英國文化協會 | 香港] 2. 香港 BC 雅思笔试报考网站:[] 3. 香港 BC 雅思笔试成绩查询网站:[Candidate Login - IELTS - British Council - Hong Kong](登陆后即可查询) 4. 香港 IDP 官网:[海外升學中心 | 海外留學及升學顧問 | IDP Hongkong] 5....
HONG KONG,Sept. 29, 2020/PRNewswire/ -- The British Council, the UK's international organisation for educational and cultural opportunities, has announced the winners of the 2020 IELTS Prize. In its ninth year, the IELTS Prize has supported more than 270 ...
我們建議所有考生避免透過非官方途徑處理 IELTS 事宜;同時強烈不鼓勵考生與提供這些服務的人溝通或交易。如果您有任何疑問,請與 IDP IELTS Hong Kong 的職員聯繫。 Please read"Notice to Test Takers: Special precautionary measures on Test Day" *註: IELTS 電腦模式考試的成績一般於考生完成考試所有部份的第 3 ...
BC: IDP: 二、准考证打印 网上说IDP提前3-5天,我每次收到的都是提前7天。 首战通知在世纪香港酒店(Novotel Century Hong Kong Hotel),口语时间为当天下午16:30。
The University of Hong Kong – Graduate School The University of Hong Kong – Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine 03 目前认可IELTS Indicator的日本院校 Chuo University Hitotsubashi University Hosei University International Christian University Keio University ...
Test takers can still take IELTS for UKVI on Computer in Hong Kong. UKVI on Computer offers results within 1-5 days and is available throughout the week, offering test-takers great availability. ^The IELTS test is jointly owned by British Council, IELTS Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 84 008 664 ...
British Council IELTS,即英国文化协会组织的国际英语语言测试系统,是全球广受认可的英语语言能力评估考试。以下是对Bri
As an official test centre, the British Council inHong Kongorganises up to four paper-based IELTS tests and at least twenty-fvecomputer-deliveredIELTS tests a month, providing students with flexibility. British Council also offers full support to students preparing for an ... *温馨提示:目前由于报名人数过多,所以6月的IELTS Indicator目前暂时无法报名。大家可以等这周关注一下7月的场次开放情况。 不知道大家的目标院校在不在该名单内?如...