但请记住,你不需要描述每一个项目才能获得高分。IELTS Writing Task 1: Bar Chart with Sample Answer Teacher’s Note Don’t panic when you see a lot of things to write about in Task 1, as in the bar chart above. You won’t lose marks if you omit a few of the items in the bar chart...
Below is a band score 9 sample answer for an IELTS bar chart in writing task 1. Below the model is a link to a video lesson about how to describe an IELTS bar chart. Watch the video to learn essential tips for each paragraph for a high score bar chart. The bar chart illustrates how...
This sample IELTS bar chart shows the components of GDP in the UK. The graph is over time so you have to use the language of change as well as contrasting.
IELTS Bar Chart Sample: Applying the Language of Change This sample IELTS bar chart shows the components of GDP in the UK. The graph is over time so you have to use the language of change as well as contrasting. Example of a bar chart for IELTS: Comparisons between the categories This ...
Tabular graphs are also called table charts IELTS. Describing a table in IELTS is the same as describing theIELTS bar chart. You must be able to comprehend, interpret, and express the data provided in the charts/graphs. In the IELTS Writing Task 1 table chart question, you need to choose...
Samples of IELTS Bar Graph/Chart with Model Answers Now it is time to practice some sample IELTS Bar/Chart following the guidelines given above. So, let us check out some IELTS bar/graph fromIELTS Writing recent actual tests. Sample 1 ...
Below is model answer for an IELTS bar chart and pie chart together for Writing Task 1. The sample answer is estimated at about band score 8. The sample answer contains some grammar errors – can you find them? Answers below. This is a typical multiple chart task that continues to appear...
IELTS Bar Graph Sample 43: with model answers [IELTS Bar Graph: The chart below show the different levels of post-school qualifications in Australia and the proportion of men and women who held them in 1999.] IELTS Bar Graph Sample 44: with model answers ...
IELTS Bar Graph Sample 87: with model answers [IELTS Bar Graph:The bar chart below shows the proportions of English men and women of different ages who were living alone in 2011. The pie chart compares the numbers of bedrooms in these one-person households.] ...
A bar chart consists of rectangular bars arranged horizontally or vertically from the x or y axis. The length of a bar shows the values it represents. The values are listed on one axis and each bar shows what is being measured on the other axis. Bar charts are useful for comparing data...