内容提示: IELTS TASK 2 Writing band descriptors (public version) Page 1 of 2 Band 9 Task Achievement ? fully addresses all parts of the task ? presents a fully developed position in answer to the question with relevant, fully extended and well supported ideas ? sufficiently addresses all ...
IELTSWriting BandDescriptors Somepeoplethinkthatuniversitiesshouldprovidegraduateswiththeknowledgeandskillsneededintheworkplace.Othersthinkthatthetruefunctionofauniversityshouldbetogiveaccesstoknowledgeforitsownsake,regardlessofwhetherthecourseisusefultoanemployer.What,inyouropinion,shouldbethemainfunctionofauniversity?unive...
IELTS TASK 1 Writing band descriptors (public version)Page 1 of 2 Band Task Achievement Coherence and Cohesion Lexical Resource Grammatical Range and Accuracy 9 fully satisfies all the requirements of the task clearly presents a fully developed response uses cohesion in such a way that it attr...
but not always logically - 9 - IELTS Writing band descriptors (Public version) 雅思考试写作评分标准 (公众版) 5 ♦ addresses the task only partially; ♦ presents information with some ♦ uses a limited range of vocabulary, ♦ uses only a limited range of the format may be inappropriate...
IELTS Rubric: IELTS Writing Band Descriptors For a lot of students, writing can be the hardest part of IELTS. Part of this has to do with the intimidation of writing: many of us aren’t comfortable writing at length in our first language, much less in a foreign language! However, it’...
Using the band descriptors as a guide we are going to go through the 8 steps to get you on your way to a band 8 in Writing Task 2. We will start with the task response before moving through all the criteria to show you what an examiner will be looking for in your response. ...
Page 1 of 2 IELTS Task 1 Writing band descriptors (public version)Band Task Achievement Coherence and Cohesion Lexical Resource Grammatical Range and Accuracy 9 fully satisfies all the requirements of the task clearly presents a fully developed response uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts...
Refer to the following band descriptors which IELTS examiners use to score the writing section of the test: - IELTS Writing Task 1 Band Descriptors - IELTS Writing Task 2 Band Descriptors Note that the scoring criteria for both tasks include: Task Achievement/Task Response - Did you fully ans...
IELTS Task 2 Writing band descriptors (public version)Achievement, TaskResource, LexicalRange, Grammatical
Based on task 1 writing band descriptors, this informal letter to a friend would get a band score of 9 in each criterion. Why? Task Achievement:Covers all bullet points with a fully developed response; the informal register is correct; nothing should be added or taken out ...