The main advantage of owning a car is it gives the freedom to travel. If you have a car then you don't need to be limited to fixed routes and timetables. Moreover, a car-owner can take is/her family members with him/her and other necessary goods...
Sample Essay 7: From the last century to these present days, there have been many changes in the way people interact with each other as there have been evolutionary changes in technological fields. One may say this transformation has negative effects on relationships between people...
I want to note a common problem here. In myIELTS writing correction service, I sometimes see people make a mistake with this question. They read the keyword (“mobile phone apps”) but not the micro-keyword (“paying”). The result is that they talk about online shopping in general, but...
Para. 3:答案二:Arts give answers to abstract questions such as ①who am I; ②arts give vivid definition to beauty; ③arts interpret some intangible substances such as true love, morality, etc. Para. 4:A brief conclusion E.g. 3: Outline: E.g. 1:例文 Sample answer: (Band 8) One of...
Read the latest IELTS writing task 2 questions with a summary of the sample answers below. Each sample answer aims to have: an introduction two body paragraphs a conclusion 1.In many workplaces, online communication is becoming more commonplace than face-to-face meetings. To what extent do you...
Finally, I want to show you a few more sample questions for this question type. These are simply intended to give you something to practice with. You can also find a big list of IELTS writing questionshere(for both academic and general tests) and if you need help with your answers, you...
IELTS writing task 2 Sample 1 (Cause & Effect) The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years. Discuss the causes and effects of this disturbing trend. IELTS writing task 2 Sample 2 (Cause & Effect) Many criminals commit further ...
IELTS Writing Task 2 Advantage/Disadvantage Essay Topic: Young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school Courtney Miller 7 min read Updated On Nov 03, 2021 Table of Contents Sample Essay 1 Sample Essay 2 Sample Essay 3 Band 9 Sample Essay Try AI ...
Explain the reason with examples in 2-3 sentences. Conclusion Summarize the main points and reasons made in the essay. Check out thesesample questions and answersto practice and prepare for the IELTS Writing Task 2 Band 7 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Reading for Pleasu...
Advantage Disadvantage Sample Essay Questions ALL MODEL ESSAYS & TIPS FOR WRITING TASK 2 FREE SUBSCRIBE Subscribe to get new lessons & tips by email. Email Address Subscribe ……….. Advanced Lessons & E-books for IELTS Writing Task 2 Advanced Writing Lessons for Target...