Cambridge IELTS 18 Academic with answers剑桥雅思真题PDF+音频 Cambridge IELTS 18 Academic with answers 剑桥雅思真题18PDF+音频 Cambridge IELTS 18 Academic with answers 剑桥雅思真题18PDF+音频
Cambridge IELTS Academic with Answers 18is the latest book in the series of IELTS books 1-18 published by Cambridge. Through the practice tests, you can become more confident when taking the real IELTS tests. Regarding the structure of the exam questions, the book Cam 18 has not changed much...
IELTS for Academic Purposes学生书PDF+教师书+助力册+音频+测试 IELTS for Academic Purposes学生书PDF+教师书+助力册+音频+测试卷 IELTS for Academic Purposes学生书PDF+教师书+助力册+音频+测试卷
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Inside IELTS 17 Academic with Answers with Audio you’ll find FOUR complete examination papers plus details of the different parts of the test and the scoring system, so you can familiarise yourself with the Academic test format and practise your exam technique. Dow...
文本PDF获取方式:公众号后台输入 17PDF,即可进入网盘链接。 免费下载 | 剑桥雅思 IELTS17 Academic 正式版
In this guide, you can start your IELTS reading practice by taking afree IELTS reading test. However, there are two versions of the test:IELTS general readingandIELTS academic reading. You'll learn which version is right for you and how to tackle each reading question type using our IELTS ...
like the real test. Inside IELTS 17 Academic with Answers with Audio you’ll find FOUR complete examination papers plus details of the different parts of the test and the scoring system, so you can familiarise yourself with the Academic test format and practise your exam technique. Download the...
Section 4:A monologue on an academic topic The Listening test is the same in both the General Training and Academic modules of IELTS. Speakers may use a range of accents and varieties of English. While listening, candidates must read and answer a variety of question types. There are short ...
IELTS Trainer 2 Academic: Six Practice Tests,pdf电子版 只看楼主收藏回复 csliu2003 高级粉丝 3 送TA礼物 1楼2024-12-13 16:03回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴吧举报反馈通道 贴吧违规信息处理公示...