读音:美英 ielts listening基本解释 雅思听力;雅思听力特训;力特训;雅思听力经典教程 分词解释 IELTSInternational English Language Testing System 国际英语语言测试系统(雅思考试) listening收听的,收听无线电广播的 ielts listening是什么意思 ielts listening怎么读 ielts listening在线翻译 ielts listening中文意思 ielts ...
欢迎收听由主播播客大奎创作的【IELTS listening】,目前已更新14个节目,最新音频章节“18test4”。听力、外语分类、新闻电台有声读物推荐,高清全集在线收听,小说完整版打包下载。
雅思思托福福创作的外语有声书作品雅思真题听力IELTS Listening,目前已更新223个声音,收听最新音频章节IELTS5 4 4。剪辑版,精听专用,终生学习
4. Pay attention to body language, gestures, and facial expressions if you can see the speaker. This may give you a better idea about what someone is saying. 5. Listen with a specific purpose in mind. Ask yourself what you are listening for. Are you listening for general understanding of...
Task 1 General Task 2 (essay) Vocabulary Tips Speaking Practice Vocabulary Tips Exercises Listening Reading Writing Speaking This is the 3rd section of IELTS Listening test #13. Listen to the audio and answer all the questions. When you finish, click 'check' and proceed to the next section of...
柯林斯《Listening For IELTS》这本书针对的是雅思听力6分以下的同学,作为一本实打实的自学书籍,柯林斯系列听说读写全科书籍收获了雅思考生和高分大神的墙裂推荐! 柯林斯语料库是世界上最大的英语语料库,它每个月都会定期更新,并受到全球...
【雅思听力必备宝藏书籍】Collins Listening for IELTS共计12条视频,包括:Collins Listening for IELTS Unit 1 On the move、Collins Listening for IELTS Unit 2 Being young、Collins Listening for IELTS Unit 3 Climate等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
The goal of IELTS Listening section is to test your listening skills. Don't use practice tests to improve your score: it's not enough! They will help you to become familiar with the test, but won't much improve your listening abilities. It is much more effective to do variouslistening ...
IELTS Listening 雅思听力基本介绍 PARTONEIntroduction 4 Sections questions:10times4 4030 minutesplus10minutesforAnswerstransferring Section 1&Section2:Thefirsttwosectionsareconcernedwithsocialneeds.Thereisaconversationbetweentwospeakersandthenamonologue.Forexample–aconversationabouttravel...