Abstract—These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONSand JOURNALS.Use this document as a template if you are using MicrosoftWord6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further at IEEE...
Thistemplate,modifiedin MS Word 2007and saved asa“Word 97-2003Document”for the PC, provides authorswith most of the formatting specifications needed for preparing electronic versions of their papers. All standard paper components have been specified for three reasons: (1) ease of use when formatt...
Before submitting your final paper, check that the format conforms to this template. Specifically, check the appearance of the title and author block, the appearance of section headings, document margins, column width, column spacing and other features. If the appearance is different from what is...
Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further at IEEE. Define all symbols used in the abstract. Do not cite references in the abstract. Do not ...
ieee会议论文模板word 篇一:IEEE会议论文格式 Template for Preparation of Papers for ICSGCE/IEEE Conferences First A. Author, Second B. Author, Jr., and Third C. Author, Member, IEEE Abstract—These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for the ICSGCE/IEEE conference. Use this ...
Thistemplate,modifiedin MS Word 2007and saved asa“Word 97-2003Document”for the PC, provides authorswith most of the formatting specifications needed for preparing electronic versions of their papers. All standard paper components have been specified for three reasons: (1) ease of use when formatt...
If you are importing your graphics into this Word template, please use the following steps: Under the option EDIT select PASTE SPECIAL. A dialog box will open, select paste picture, then click OK. Your figure should now be in the Word Document. If you are preparing images in TIFF, EPS,...
You are now ready to style your paper; use the scroll down window on the left of the MS Word Formatting toolbar. A. Authors and Affiliations The template is designed so that author affiliations are not repeated each time for multiple authors of the same affiliation. Please keep your ...
documentasatemplatebyusingMicrosoftWord6.0orlater. Otherwise,usethisdocumentasaninstructionset.Please usethisdocumentasa―template‖toprepareyour manuscript.Forsubmissionguidelines,followthe instructionsonpapersubmissionon.Donotdeletethe blanklineimmediatelyabovetheabstract;itsetsthe ...
如PPT文件的首页显示word图标,表示该PPT已包含配套word讲稿。双击word图标可打开word文档。 特殊限制: 部分文档作品中含有的国旗、国徽等图片,仅作为作品整体效果示例展示,禁止商用。设计者仅对作品中独创性部分享有著作权。 关键 词: IEEE 模板 Template