10月12日,IEEE车载技术大会(IEEE VTC-Fall)在香港举办。信息学院韩瑜副研究员、唐万恺副研究员、金石教授在会上获颁2023 IEEE最佳系统论文奖 Jack Neubauer Memorial Award。该奖项由IEEE车载技术学会颁发,评选出过去5年内在国际无线通信领域权威期刊IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology上发表的最佳系统论文,每年仅...
VTC2023-Fall in Hong Kong will feature world-class technical sessions, workshops, and tutorials on, but not limited to, the following technical tracks. Prospective authors are invited to submit 5-page, original, and unpublished full papers. A full paper can be up to 7 pages in length, just...
课题组最新成果Self-Interference Assisted Cooperative Jamming for Secure Communications 被国际会议IEEE VTC Fall 2023接收! 登录用户可以查看和发表评论, 请前往 登录 或注册。 SCHOLAT.com 学者网 免责声明 | 关于我们 | 联系我们 联系我们: help@scholat.com ...
10月12日,IEEE车载技术大会(IEEE VTC-Fall)在香港举办。东南大学信息学院韩瑜副研究员、唐万恺副研究员、金石教授在会上获颁2023 IEEE最佳系统论文奖 Jack Neubauer Memorial Award。该奖项由IEEE车载技术学会颁发,评选出过去5年内在国际无线通信领域权威期刊IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology上发表的最佳系统论文...
The 2026 IEEE 104th Vehicular Technology Conference: VTC2026-Fall will be held in Boston, MA, USA Fall 2026. This semi-annual flagship conference of IEEE Vehicular Technology Society will bring together individuals from academia, government, and industry to discuss and exchange ideas in the fields...
IEEE 97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2023 Spring) - 18-21 Jun 2023, Firenze fiera (Palazzo dei Congressi), Florence, Italy (25485) IEEE 96th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2022 Fall) - 26-29 Sep 2022, London, United Kingdom (14863) IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference...
IEEE 100th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2025 Spring), 17-20 Jun 2025, Oslo, Norway, organized by IEEE. Find conference details | Conference Locate (Clocate)
Website:https://events.vtsociety.org/vtc2025-spring/ Organizers IEEE Vehicular Technology Society New York, New York United States Tel: +1-212-419 7900 https://vtsociety.org/
VTC-fall投稿:每年3月(估计),录用:当年5月(估计),终版:当年7月,开会:当年9月 IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) 投稿:每年3月(估计),录用:当年5月(估计),终版:当年7月(估计),开会:当年9月...
2023年中科院分区:1区 2022年中科院分区:1区 2023年影响因子:4.5 5年影响因子:4 年发文量:约76篇 9. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 2023年JCR分区:1区 2023年中科院分区:1区(升) 2022年中科院分区:2区 2023年影响因子:5.7 5年影响因子:6 ...