IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Special Section: "Indoor localization, tracking, and mapping with heterogeneous technologies" 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 33 摘要: Describes the above-named upcoming special issue or section. May include topics to be covered or calls for ...
IEEESystems,Man,andCyberneticsSociety IEEEUltrasonics,Ferroelectrics,andFrequencyControlSociety IEEEVehicularTechnologySociety IEEEAerospaceandElectronicSystemsSociety IEEEAntennasandPropagationSociety IEEEBroadcastTechnologySociety IEEECircuitsandSystemsSociety IEEECommunicationsSociety IEEEComponents,Packaging,andManufacturingTechno...
In this special section of the IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, we solicit paper submissions of original works addressing fundamentals, supporting technologies, and technical issues arising from the convergence of vehicular communication systems and social networking. The topics include but are not...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology Special Section: Graph Theory and Its Application in Vehicular Networking --- The last two decades have witnessed unprecedented growth in telecommunications, particularly in the area of wireless communications. This development ...
and Frequency Control Society IEEE Vehicular Technology Society IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society IEEE Broadcast Technology Society IEEE Circuits and Systems Society IEEE Communications Society IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society IEEE ...
and Frequency Control Society IEEE Vehicular Technology Society IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society IEEE Broadcast Technology Society IEEE Circuits and Systems Society IEEE Communications Society IEEE Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology Society IEEE ...
Special Section on Condition Monitoring and Fault Accommodation in Electric and Hybrid Propulsion Systems "Special Section on Condition Monitoring and Fault Accommodation in Electric and Hybrid Propulsion Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.62,... D Diallo,Benbouzid, M. E.,MA Mas...
Special Section on Condition Monitoring and Fault Accommodation in Electric and Hybrid Propulsion Systems "Special Section on Condition Monitoring and Fault Accommodation in Electric and Hybrid Propulsion Systems," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.62,... D Diallo,Benbouzid, M. E.,MA Mas...
Special Section: Telematics Advances for Vehicular Communication Networks Wireless communication for intelligent transportation systems (ITSs) is a promising technology to improve driving safety, reduce traffic congestion and support information services in vehicles. A new era of vehicular technology that inclu...