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* Vehicular applications and services based on VR and related technology Submission Guidelines Please submit your paper to Manuscript Central at: Author guides are available at: The submissions ...
Paper Submission: Authors should follow the IEEE TVT manuscript format and submission procedure which can be found at the IEEE TVT home page under Information for Authors. Prospective authors should submit a PDF version of their complete manuscript via the journal ...
communications Submission Guidelines: Please submit your paper to Manuscript Central at: Author guidelines are available at: The submissions must be original and not under consideration in any ...
IEEEtvt > REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) < 1 Autonomous Platoon Control Allowing Range-Limited Sensors Wei Yue, Ge Guo, Member, IEEE . Abstract—This paper investigates control design for platoon of automated vehicles whose sensors have limited...
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2011.2168434 all MSs are orthogonal, conventional estimators such as that proposed in [5] can be directly applied with good performance. However, in current cellular systems, such as those complying with the Long- ...
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