IEEE-期刊论文word模版.doc,IEEE-期刊论文word模版 PAGE 2 REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR PAPER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (DOUBLE-CLICK HERE TO EDIT) Manuscript received October 9, 2001. (Write the date on which you submitted your Manuscript received October 9, 200
You must also send your final manuscript on a disk, via e-mail, or through a Web manuscript submission system as directed by the society contact. You may use Zip or CD-ROM disks for large files, or compress files using Compress, Pkzip, Stuffit, or Gzip. Also, send a sheet of paper...
You must also send your final manuscript on a disk, via e-mail, or through a Web manuscript submission system as directed by the society contact. You may use Zip or CD-ROM disks for large files, or compress files using Compress, Pkzip, Stuffit, or Gzip. Also, send a sheet of paper...
Figures/tables may be worked into the text or placed at the end of the manuscript. To conserve space in the publication, most figures/tables are reduced to single-column width if possible. This may result in as much as a 4:1 reduction from the original. Therefore, figures/tables should ...
You must also send your final manuscript on a disk, via e-mail, or through a Web manuscript submission system as directed by the society contact. You may use Zip or CD-ROM disks for large files, or compress files using Compress, Pkzip, Stuffit, or Gzip. Also, send a sheet of paper...
from HYPERLINK /organizations/pubs/transactions/stylesheets.htm /organizations/pubs/transactions/stylesheets.htm so you can use it to prepare your manuscript. If you would prefer to use LATEX, download IEEE’s LATEX style and sample files from the same Web page. Use these LATEX files for formattin...