期刊简称 IEEE T EDUC 期刊出版周期 Quarterly 期刊出版社/管理机构 杂志由 IEEE 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0018-9359 期刊主页 ieee transactions on education主页 期刊评价 您选择的ieee transactions on education的指数解析如下: 简介:IEEE T EDUC杂志属于工程技术行业,“工程:电子与电气”子行业的偏低级别杂志。投稿...
Research Impact Score*: 9.5 Impact Factor: 4.4 Citescore: 9.9 SCIMAGO SJR: 1.777 SCIMAGO H-index: 217 Research Ranking (Electronics and Electrical Engineering) 21 Research Ranking (Engineering and Technology) 162 Research Ranking (Electronics and Electrical Engineering) 28 Research Ranking...
Special Issue on Metaverse and the Future of Education Contact: tlt-edumeta@ieee.org Full call for papers available and information on how to submit: https://ieee-edusociety.org/publication/ieee-tlt --- Impact Factor: 4.433 (2021) Five year impact factor: 4.255 (2021) --- --- Important...
学科:EDUCATION & EDUCATIONAL RESEARCHSSCIQ2202 / 756 73.35% 名词解释: 汤森路透每年出版一本《期刊引用报告》(Journal Citation Reports,简称JCR)。JCR对86000多种SCI期刊的影响因子(Impact Factor)等指数加以统计。JCR将收录期刊分为176个不同学科类别在JCR的Journal Ranking中,主要参考当年IF,最终每个分区的期刊数...
Research Impact Score*: 13 Impact Factor: 6.5 SCIMAGO SJR: 3.827 SCIMAGO H-index: 307 Research Ranking (Electronics and Electrical Engineering) 15 Research Ranking (Engineering and Technology) 20 Number of Best scientists*: 141 Documents by best scientists*: 645 Journal...
期刊信息 IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking (TGCN) https://www.comsoc.org/publications/journals/ieee-tgcn 影响因子: 5.300 出版商: IEEE ISSN: 2473-2400 浏览: 18679 关注: 3 征稿 This journal is indexed by Scopus and receives an impact factor. The goal of this journal is...
CCFFull NameImpact FactorPublisherISSN b IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 3.600 IEEE/ACM 1545-5963 Applied Mathematics & Optimization 1.600 Springer 0095-4616 IET Electric Power Applications IET 1751-8660 b IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 14.30 IEEE 1089-778X...
by Impact Factor IEEE 期刊相关领域排名 计算机科学信息系统领域 计算机科学控制论领域 计算机科学理论与方法领域 制造工程领域 自动化控制系统领域 仪器仪表领域 在IEEE Xplore寻找合适的期刊 查看期刊投稿信息 查看期刊更多投稿相关信息 电子投稿:E-Submission 评审流程 Review Process e.g. IEEE Transactions on ...
Published continuously since 1994 it is consistently ranked amongst the top four robotics publications in terms of impact factor. The Magazine is a forum for articles which fall between the academic and theoretical orientation of scholarly journals and vendor sponsored trade publications. The IEEE ...
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), a new entrant to IEEE CS' top five journals In addition, IEEE CS' fully open access publication,IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society, received its first impact factor in Clarivate's Emerging Sources Citation Index™ (ESCI), which features new...