车辆工程,自动驾驶二区SCI,TOP期刊,《IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology》,因子6.8SCI,中科院二区,JCR一区,TOP期刊,因子6.8,工程技术大类,美国期刊,IEEE旗下;期刊官网:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=25 ISSN:0018-9545 eISSN:1939-9359 研究方向Engineering;Telecommunications;T...
IEEE TRANSACTION ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY 1Joint Topology Control and Routing in IEEE802.11-based Multi-radio Multi-channel Mesh NetworksLin ChenDepartment of Computer Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, P.R.China, chen.lin@sjtu.edu.cnQian ZhangDepartment of Computer Science, Hong ...
期刊名字 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY 缩写 IEEE T VEH TECHNOL 期刊ISSN 0018-9545 2014-2015最新影响因子 1.978 期刊官方网站 ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=25 期刊投稿网址 mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tvt-ieee 通讯方式 IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL E...
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine IEEE transaction Robotics IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 运筹学OR、优化、管理科学 Sensors Information Sciences (Journal) Data Mining、GIS、城市计算 Data Mining GIS 城市计算 @20220723 IEEE的期刊的IF都有飙升@20220530 Add Sensors 及Journal of Advanced Transportation...
IEEE TRANSACTION ON VEHICULAR TECHNOLOGY, VOL. X, NO. X, NOVEMBER 2006 2 there would have no enough power resource to serve other NHO users in the system. When taking into account multirate services, this power exhausting problem will become more ...
The Transaction’s scope further includes research works leading to power engineering standards. 主要研究方向:工程技术-ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC工程:电子与电气 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS《IEEE电力电子学汇刊》 国际标准刊号:ISSN 0885-8993;EISSN 1941-0107 核心类别:SCIE(2022版), ...
看来IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Techno. 在业界可能认可度会低一些。我想到了IEEE Trans. on Wireless ...
总结一下:IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems这个期刊一般送三个审稿人,如果没有审稿人拒稿,编辑一般会退修。如果有审稿人拒稿,那么一般会加审稿人。同时,这个期刊一般退修次数比较多,可能与编辑的处理方式有关。其中我看到修改次数最多的一篇高达5次。最后,预祝大家人手几篇Transaction。
终于在2013年9月底才收到审核意见:Accepted with Minor Revisions as a Paper !再次要小改。。
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology到底是几区啊?Letpub查了是中科院2区,但我们论坛下载的中科院...