您好,请问您什么时候投的呢?我也投了这个期刊,已经5个月了,还是Undergoing review,这正常吗?
我也是一提交就是undergoing review,不知道楼主现在什么情况
一、期刊介绍通信领域期刊:IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering(IEEE TNSE),其缩写为IEEE Trans. Netw. Sci. Eng.,隶属于IEEE Communications Society(IEEE ComSoc)协会,也属于IEEE Cir…
with reviewer一个月左右后 变成under review什么意思啊 整个变化过程是 awaiting admin processing awaiting...
对于不同的期刊,其对应的审稿流程以及审稿状态大体相同,但略有不同。这里主要介绍下IEEE Trans的投稿及审稿流程: 参与审稿的人: EIC: Editor in Chief,主编,对稿件有最终决定权。 ADM: Administrator,协助主编工作。 AE: Associated Editor, 副主编,其会在审稿人(reviewers)意见的基础上对文章作个综合评价后,给主...
Original, high quality contributions that are not yet published, submitted or not currently under review by other journals or peer-reviewed conferences are sought. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following scope: - New paradigms for dependable and real-time vehicular communi...
acceptable for peer review. The font sizes and line spacing must not be altered when using the template. The template and further guidelines on the preparation of manuscripts can be obtained from the IEEE Tools for Authors web site at http://www.ieee.org/web/publications/authors/transjnl/...
IEEE会刊/杂志(后文用Trans和Journal来简写)是在人工智能、电子电气、测量仪器、电力技术等多个学科领域内具有较高声望的学术期刊。近三年来,IEEE Trans期刊的收稿标准逐渐提高,审稿周期逐渐增长,并且会有一部分期刊在Quality Check或者Associate Editor(With Editor/Assign AE assignment)阶段就被拒掉了,造成大家...
已经投稿快一个月了,一直都还是undergoing review,请问这是还没送审呢?还是已经在审稿当中呢?这个期刊...
一审近四十天,结论是大修。修改稿提交后,到现在都两个月了,状态一直还是undergoing review,真是急人...