thispaperproposesa new multiview video coding scheme based on Wyner–Ziv (WZ)coding technique, in which the complicated temporal and inter-view correlation exploration process is shifted from the encoderside to the decoder side so that broadband raw data traf c andhigh intensive computation for ...
IEEE Trans on CSVT(Wyner–Ziv Switching Scheme for Multiple Bit-Rate Video Streaming) 下载文档 收藏 打印 转格式 64阅读文档大小:1.39M13页青春飞扬上传于2010-10-07格式:PDF IEEE Std C37.04a-2003 IEEE Standard Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis...
Recently, several practical Wyner–Ziv (WZ) coding tech-niques have been proposed for video coding,namely distributed video coding (DVC). In [11] and [12],Praddhan and Ram-chandran propose a DVC framework based on syndrome of codeword co-set. In this scheme,WZ frame(W-frame) is trans-...
热烈祝贺2022级硕士生陈銮投稿中科院1区Top SCI期刊 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (JCR Q1, 中科院1区Top, 中信所2区)的学术论文已录用! Luan Chen,Chengyou Wang*,Xiao Zhou,Zhiliang Qin. Robust and compatible video watermarking via spatio-temporal enhancement and multisca...
先后担任包括CCF推荐A类期刊IEEE Trans. on Image Processing (IF=11.041),国际权威期刊IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (IF=14.255)等多个国际SCI期刊编委AE。入选理由:对计算机视觉在视频分析和视觉理解方面的贡献。张涛 清华大学自动化系系主任、信息科学技术学院副院长、智能无人系统研究...
曾/现任IEEE T-IP、T-CSVT、T-BIOM等10多个国际期刊编委,FG2023、ICME2022、VCIP2022等国际会议大会主席/程序主席,中国自动化学会专家咨询工作委员会副主任,中国计算机学会计算机视觉专委会常务委员和中国人工智能学会模式识别专委会常务委员。 入选理由:对视觉内容分析和识别的贡献。
曾担任知名期刊IEEE Trans. Human-Machine Systems, IEEE Trans. Multimedia, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks and Learning Systems 编委 (Associate Editor),十余次担任IEEE CVPR、ICCV、NeurIPS、KDD、ACM Multimedia 等国际会议的领域主席。 入选理由:对多媒体内容分析的贡献。
2012和2013年连续两年任IEEE多媒体会议ICME程序委员会主席,还是多个多媒体、AI及搜索领域国际会议的领域主席(包括KDD,SIGIR,IJCAI,MM,ICME等),曾任或现任IEEE Trans. On Multimedia及ACM Trans. On Intelligent Systems and Technology杂志副编,曾获包括ACM Multimedia和IEEE Trans. On CSVT等在内的多项最佳论文奖。
Call for IEEE T-CSVT Associate Editors Nomination doi:10.1109/TCSVT.2021.3117766Presents information on a call for associate editors for this publication.Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, IEEE Trans. on (T-CSVT)
IEEE Trans on CsvtAhmad, I, Luo, JC (2006) On using game theory to optimize the rate control in video coding. IEEE Trans CSVT 16: pp. 209-219... I Ahmad,J Luo - 《IEEE Trans on Csvt》 被引量: 87发表: 2006年 The Special Issue on MPEG-7 IEEE Trans on CsvtAhmad, I, Luo, ...