IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society TEMS Administrative Committee Provides a listing of current staff, committee members and society officers. None - 《IEEE Engineering Management Review》 被引量: 0发表: 2018年 TEMSCON 2018 : IEEE Technology and engineering management society conference (...
商标名称 IEEE TEMS TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT SOCIETY 国际分类 第35类-广告销售 商标状态 商标已注册 申请/注册号 65879598 申请日期 2022-07-11 申请人名称(中文) 电气和电子工程师协会有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 美国08855新泽西州皮斯卡特威市霍斯路445号 申请人地址(英文) - ...
IEEE Technology and Engineering Management SocietyProvides a listing of current committee members and society officers.IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems: A Publication of the IEEE Neural Networks Council
报告标题:A Technology Roadmap to Achieve Climate Resilience 摘要:This lecture explains what carbonization is, addresses its causes and impacts. It then offers technological solutions to reduce CO2 emissions from the electric ...
. Smart energy management services and decision support tools are needed to enable the prosumers to make sound transaction decisions while negotiating with other actors/peers in the distribution energy market. The same platfo...
ieee transactions on engineering management引用缩写 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management(简称IEEE TEM)是电气电子工程师协会(IEEE)旗下的一个旗舰期刊,专注于工程管理领域的学术研究。该期刊自创刊以来,一直致力于推动工程管理理论与实践的发展,为全球工程管理领域的学者和实践者提供了一个高水平的交流平台。
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management是一个被广泛接受的学术期刊,其级别评估标准如下: 2.1影响因子 影响因子是评估期刊影响力的重要指标之一。它反映了一篇文章被引用的频次,并能体现期刊在学术界的认可度。根据网站Journal Citation Reports(JCR)的数据,在Engineering,Industrial部分的期刊中,IEEE Transactions on ...
7、IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering • 影响因子:6.7 • 期刊分区:JCR1区,中科院2区 • 自引率:9% 年发文312篇,6-7个月录用,期刊投稿体验很好 8、IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology • 影响因子:6.1 • 期刊分区:JCR1区,中科院2区-Top ...
【出版社】IEEE出版社(IEEE-Trans系列)【期刊概况】IF:4.0-5.0,JCR2区,中科院2区 【版面类型...