《IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems》是一本被中国科学院计算机科学领域认可的高水平期刊,被列入中科院计算机科学大类二区期刊,其影响因子一直保持稳定增长。整理了一些关于这个期刊的信息以及投稿经验,现在与大家分享。 投稿经验分享 分享一: 研究方向:工程技术 投稿结果:未...
期刊投稿网址https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcad 收稿范围 The purpose of the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems is to publish papers of interest to individuals in the area of computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems composed of analog, digi...
投稿地址:mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcad 编辑部地址:IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC, 445 HOES LANE, PISCATAWAY, USA, NJ, 08855-4141 录用难度:容易 统计分析 影响因子:指该期刊近两年文献的平均被引用率,即该期刊前两年论文在评价当年每篇论文被引用的平均次数 ...
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems(TCAD)的目的是发表由模拟、数字、混合信号、光学或微波元件组成的集成电路和系统的计算机辅助设计领域中个人感兴趣的论文。辅助工具包括用于系统级、物理和逻辑设计的方法、模型、算法和人机界面,包括:规划、综合、分区、建模、仿真、布局、...
投稿网址:https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcad 1、影响因子 该刊影响因子总体起伏较小,其最新影响因子为2.7,说明该期刊潜力较大。 图片来源:LetPub 2、期刊分区/预警情况 JCR分区:Q2 中科院分区:计算机科学3区 预警情况:无 图片来源:LetPub 3、自引率 ...
投稿网址:https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tcad 英文简介 The purpose of this Transactions is to publish papers of interest to individuals in the area of computer-aided design of integrated circuits and systems composed of analog, digital, mixed-signal, optical, or microwave components. The aids inc...
发文量39,649 被引量528,904 影响因子(2023)1.883 IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices publishes original and significant contributions relating to the theory, modeling, design, performance and reliability of electron and ion integrated circuit devices and interconnects, involving insulators, metals, organic...
1. 期刊数量:ACM数量较为有限,仅有50多种;2. 影响因子:高影响因子较少,绝大多数ACM期刊的影响...
期刊网址:https://ieee-ceda.org/publication/tcad-publication 出版商网址:http://www.ieee.org 简介 期刊简称IEEE T COMPUT AID D 参考译名《IEEE集成电路与系统的计算机辅助设计汇刊》 核心类别SCIE(2023版), 目次收录(超星),外文期刊, IF影响因子