the status in the submission system still shows as "Under review" with a lowercase 'r'. Previou...
ToN的submission guideline上直接就说“Authors are welcome to contact the editors of their papers directly regarding the status of their pap ... 好的,我试一下。 melody Authors are welcome to contact the editors of their papers directly regarding the status of their papers zbking 3楼: Originally...
Otherwise, your submission remains incomplete and will not be processed! 2.4 投递状态 这里给出我的论文投递状态信息变化以及我个人的理解(数字为状态变化日期) 4-28 manuscript submitted 这个就是手稿刚提交的状态,此状态根据投稿量和编辑工作效率一般会维持一周至两周左右 5-7 back to author 这里是因为超页...
Paper Submission Upload final version of an accepted paper Request a Formal Acceptance Letterin PDF by email. Check Status Check paper submission status or withdraw a submission
You have the option of submission of your manuscript for IEEE Open Access at a discounted rate of $1750* To find out more, click here. As of 1/1/2014, the IEEE Transactions on Reliability has converted to using Manuscript Central. All submissions, reviews, status updates, and ...
aNo Double Submission: Authors who do not properly citetheir previous work, or who submit an RFIT manuscript to twoor more publications without informing the editor that the paperis concurrently under review by another publication will bereported to IEEE and may be banned from future publications....
Monitor Your Submission Status After you submit your document, you may monitor the status of your paper as it progresses through the submission and review process by using the Paper Status website available at:
Open Access: This publication is a hybrid journal, allowing either Traditional manuscript submission or Open Access (author-pays OA) manuscript submission. Upon submission, if you choose to have your manuscript be an Open Access article, you commit to pay the discounted $2,045 OA fee if your ...
Submission of Manuscript Submission and review of manuscripts is now done through ScholarOne Manuscript, the IEEE's online submission and review system. Please log on to and follow the directions to create an account (if a first time user) and to submit...
demo, and poster papers. Accepted regular and short papers will have an option to be published in either ACM Proceedings or Elsevier Smart Health Journal. The Best Paper Award will be selected among the accepted full papers. Topics of interest and submission details are provided on the IEEE/...