(4)点进去之后,发现左下角有一个Journal Home,点击 (5)在上述网页中,找到你想要投稿的期刊(当然,你也可以跳过上述步骤,直接进入到这里~之所以要经过这些步骤,是因为接下来会用到其中一些步骤) 在出现的页面中,会有submission guidelines: 这里就说明,此期刊提交的时候要求单栏,12号字,不超过30页 (6)在第(4)...
Submissions to the IEEE Sensors Journal are to be made electronically through IEEE Manuscript Central, over its Webpage, http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/sensors. The site contains instructions on how to proceed with downloading one’s submission. Authors are required to prepare manuscripts employing ...
今天小编带来IEEE旗下工程领域高分区好刊,如您有投稿需求,可作为重点关注!后文有相关领域真实发表案例,供您投稿参考~ 01 期刊简介 IEEE Sensors Journal ✅出版社:IEEE ✅ISSN:1530-437X ✅影响因子:4.3 ✅期刊分区:JCR1/2区,中科院2/3区(TOP) ✅检索数据库:SCIE & Scopus 在检 ✅数据库收录年份...
从投稿到接收,整个过程历时约3个月。在投稿前,我按照IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL的模版(用的是word版)进行了排版,这个是IEEE的模板网址,可以在里面下载想要投稿期刊的模板:IEEE Article Templates - IEEE Author Center Journals 值得注意的是投稿IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL需要一个图像摘要,在这个网站可以看到具体要求:Create Graph...
Journal & Submission Website:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/aboutJournal.jsp?punumber=7361 IEEE Sensors Journal offers a venue for the dissemination of current research contributions in the quickly developing fields of Computer Networks and Communications and Hardware, Robotics & Electronics . IEEE ...
suggest names of potential reviewers for their manuscripts in the space provided for these recommendations in Manuscript Central. For manuscript preparation and submission, please follow the guidelines in the Information for Authors at the IEEE Sensors Journal webpage, http://www.ieee-sensors.org/...
potential reviewers for their manu scripts in the space provided for these recommen dations in ScholarOne Manuscripts™. For manuscript prepara tion and submission, please follow the guidelines in the Information for Authors at the IEEE Sensors Journal web page,http://www.ieee-sensors.org/...
of potential reviewers for their manu scripts in the space provided for these recommen dations in ScholarOne Manuscripts . For manuscript prepara tion and submission, please follow the guidelines in the Information for Authors at the IEEE Sensors Journal web page,http://www.ieee-sensors.org/...
For manuscript prepara瑃ion and submission, please follow the guidelines in the Information for Authors at the IEEE Sensors Journal web page, http://www.ieee-sensors.org/journals Deadlines: Manuscript Submission: (Extended) March 31, 2015
时间:2022年7月19日至2022年7月22日 地点:中国·深圳 考虑疫情影响,本次会议允许作者申请远程宣讲论文 会议网站:https://www.isncc-conf.org/ 投稿系统:EDAS(https://www.edas.info/)重要日期(最新)- Submission Deadline (extended): March 20, 2022 (Firm Deadline)- Authors' Notification:1 May,...