Your manuscript is still undergoing the peer review process. At this time, the editor is still waiting to receive reviews. The editor is doing everything possible to expedite the process. As soon as a decision can be made, you will receive a decision letter via email. 明天就是6.1 儿童节了...
精华评论 wyy1005 3个月还是比较正常的。 smallqiao 看这个期刊一般review多久,我是不超过半年是不催稿的 uranusli 梢源呦拢 蛭 侵葱斜嗉 涸鸫碚庑┯始K 侵皇瞧胀üぷ魅嗽泵挥芯龆ㄈāN叶蟪 �2个月就催了,当天就回信沟通了下审稿的进度让我也安心了, beautyheart 三个月是 可以问问编辑了 ...
想来审稿这么快,拒稿应该也很快。 2023.8.21 submit & under review作为科研小白,光脚不怕穿鞋的,而且导师也不是IEEE高级会员啥的,就是单纯地抱着试一试的态度投的。 这里提一嘴,这个期刊一提交就是under review,没有中间环节。 2023.10.02 reject(revise and resubmit)三个审稿人(就简称A、B、C吧),均给的...
The IEEE Sensors Council cannot tolerate unfortunate situations when authors submit the same, or nearly identical, manuscript to more than one journal. In such cases: the manuscript in question will be immediately rejected other manuscripts of the same authors/co-authors currently under review will ...
提交成功就是under review,完全没有中间状态啊。都不知道初审是否可以通过?
我之前投的ieee iotj也是投了就under review,不过分大r和小r,大r在编辑手里,小r是送外审,不知道你这个是不是。正常
在IEEE Sensors journal中,小修返回后awaiting decision状态可能会变成under review。这可能是由于审稿人的意见存在差异,需要增加新的审稿人来评估。也有可能是编辑需要更多时间来评估稿件,所以将状态调回了under review。 IEEE awaiting decision变回under review的情况不一定是悲剧,编辑可能需要更多时间来评估稿件。在等待过...
The fields of interest of the IEEE Sensors Journal are the theory, design , fabrication, manufacturing and applications of devices for sensing and transducing physical, chemical and biological phenomena, with emphasis on the electronics and physics aspec
journal of communication systems IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology IEEE communications letters Journal of systems engineering and electronics Nano letters Pattern recognition letters Physical review letters Journal of information science ...
[IEEE Research paper + Project] Real Time Road Accidents Detection System based on crash estimation; a computer vision techniques that detects road accidents and reports them in real-time as well as allowing the monitoring of accidents using a client server architecture and an interactive GUI. real...