Following is the list of accepted ICASSP 2024 papers, sorted by paper title. You can use the search feature of your web browser to find your paper number. Notifications to all authors have also been sent by email. If you have not received your notification of the results by email, please...
Transactions papers are limited to10 pages at submission. Papers exceeding 10 pages will be returned without review. Revised papers submitted in response to Revise and Resubmit decisions may exceed 10 pages. If an accepted paper's final page count exceeds 8 pages, the authors MUST payoverlength p...
Poster sessions are a good medium for authors to present papers and meet with the interested audience for in-depth technical discussion. In addition, attendees find the poster sessions a good way to sample many papers in parallel sessions. Thus it is important that you display your message clear...
Our Recent Papers on GNN-based Brain Connectome Analysis using BrainGB Here's a list of publications from our research group related to Brain Network Analysis: YearTitleVenueCodePaper 2024 FedBrain: Federated Training of Graph Neural Networks for Connectome-based Brain Imaging Analysis PSB 2024 Link...
影响因子(2023) 4.825The IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics journal covers all issues of widespread or generic interest to engineers who work in the field of power electronics. The Journal editors will enforce standards and a review policy equivalent to the IEEE Transactions, and only papers of...
demo, and poster papers. Accepted regular and short papers will have an option to be published in either ACM Proceedings or Elsevier Smart Health Journal. The Best Paper Award will be selected among the accepted full papers. Topics of interest and submission details are provided on the IEEE/...
VK Hahn,S Marcel - 《IEEE Transactions on Biometrics Behavior & Identity Science》 被引量: 0发表: 2022年 Editorial: IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, Special Issue on Cryptography and Data Security in Sustainable Computing (Part 1) The accepted papers in this special issue focus on cryp...
and expert lecture proposals to this event. The conference will feature a presentation of high-quality research papers handpicked by our expert panel. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the IEEE International SCEECS 2024 Conference Proceedings and also archived in the IEEE XploreⓇ...
If a session has too few papers, accepted papers will be allocated to the most fitting regular track. In the case of low organizational quality of a SS, the conference organizers will support the SS organizers with advice, but also reserve the right to cancel the given special session. -...
This repository includes the source code and data sets used in our paper:K-Core based Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Dynamic Graphs. The paper is now accepted by IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering. You can also found the preprint paper onarXivwebsite. ...