2010 in Marriott Eaton Centre Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. CASE is the flagship automation conference of the IEEE RAS. It constitutes the primary forum for cross-industry, multidisciplinary research in automation
All submissions will be peer reviewed. Submission website through paperplaza at: ras.papercept.net IEEE ICDL-Epirob is the premier forum for advances in epigenetic robotics and developmental psychology with the focus on learning and development in biological and artificial systems. This single-track co...
(RAS), IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES), and ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Division (DSCD). IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (TMech) is a bimonthly periodical that is also jointly sponsored by RAS, IES, and DSCD. The aim of the journal is to establish a high-quality ...
conference in 2014, to explore and extend the interdisciplinary boundaries of this field. == Keynote speakers Prof. Dana Ballard, Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, USA Prof. Cristina Becchio, Dept. of Psychology, University of Turin, ITALY Prof. Tetsur Matsuzawa, Primat...