Different interpretations of the harmonic distortion limits set in the IEEE 519-1992 standard are performed together with a comparison with the BC Hydro's harmonic current limits. This paper also includes a statistical analysis of all measurements recorded with the help of two PQ monitors, an ...
IEEE Standard Installation, Inspection, and Testing requirements for Instrumentation, and Electric Equipment During the Construction of Nuclear Power Generating Stations 来自 掌桥科研 喜欢 0 阅读量: 9 标准号: IEEE 336-1971 摘要: 本标准规定了核电站施工阶段I类和I E类电力,仪表和控制设备及系统的安装,...
The Dranetz HDPQ family of instruments are the first to fully comply with the measurement requirements of IEEE 519-2014. IEEE 519-2014 references the international harmonics measurement standard IEC 61000-4-7 for its measurements. Although many PQ instruments available today measure to IEC 61000-4-...
本标准定义了用于测量电子数字化波形记录器,波形分析仪和带数字输出的数字化示波器性能的规范和测试方法.本标准针对但不限于通用波形记录仪和分析仪.特殊应用可能需要本标准未涵盖的其他制造商信息和验证测试.IEEE Std 1057?与IEEE Std 1241?2010[B24]有许多相似之处,后者适用于模数转换器(ADC).1然而,IEEE Std ...
ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Telecommunications and information exchange between information technology systems - Requirements for local and metropolitan area networks - Part 1CM: Time-sensitive networking for fronthauldoi:IEEE/ISO/IEC 8802-1CM-2019...
IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Single-Phase Induction Motorsdoi:IEEE 114-1982新的IEEE标准-非活动撤销.\n本手册给出了执行和报告更普遍适用和可接受的测试的说明,以确定单相感应电动机的性能特征.包括电气测量,性能测试,温度测试和其他测试.
IEEE Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stationsdoi:IEEE 7-4.3.2-1993将计算机作为安全系统的一部分使用会产生IEEE Std 603-1991中未明确规定的额外要求.本标准旨在扩大IEEE Std 603-1991中有关核电站安全系统部件计算机的标准.在本标准的上下文中,术语计算机是...
IEEE Standard for Calibration of Electromagnetic Field Sensors and Probes, Excluding Antennas, from 9 kHz to 40 GHzdoi:IEEE 1309-1996本标准为电磁场传感器和磁场探头提供了一致的校准方法.校准机构和其他机构需要统一的校准方法来获得一致的结果,本标准的校准方法将产生易于追溯到国家标准机构(如美国国家标准与...
IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Evaluation of Systems of Insulating Materials for Random-Wound AC Electric Machinerydoi:IEEE 117-1974本试验程序的主要目的是通过试验,而不是通过化学成分,根据其温度极限对绝缘系统进行分类.目的是,A?rst根据公认的热分类进行分类?附录中引用的阳离子A,B,F,H及以上H类.motor...
IEEE Standard for Synchrophasor Data Transfer for Power Systemsdoi:IEEE C37.118.2-2011本标准定义了电力系统设备之间同步相量测量数据交换的方法.它指定了用于相量测量单元(PMU),相量数据集中器(PDC)和其他应用程序之间实时通信的消息传递,包括类型,用途,内容和数据格式....