IEEE Photonics Technology Letters addresses all aspects of the IEEE Photonics Society Constitutional Field of Interest with emphasis on photonic/lightwave components and applications, laser physics and systems and laser/electro-optics technology. Examples of subject areas for the above areas of ...
1476 IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, VOL. 23, NO. 20, OCTOBER 15, 2011 Fig. 2. A section of push-pull ACP phase modulator. Fig. 3. Phase modulator response. (a) Magnitude response. (b) Phase response. TABLE I LOOP COMPONENT MEASUREMENTS ( ) [5]. To eliminate its latency, the ph...
1990 IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, VOL. 20, NO. 23, DECEMBER 1, 2008 would result. The two wavelengths are then separated by the op- tical filters. The output microwave powers are measured at the outputs of the two PDs. Considering the dispersion-induced power penalties [8], the ...
IEEEPHOTONICSTECHNOLOGYLETTERS,VOL.16,NO.10,OCTOBER20042347 WavelengthSelf-ManagedOpticalWDM SourceUsingPolarization-Multiplexed Fabry–PérotLaserDiodes Jin-SerkBaik,Kun-YoulPark,Tae-WonOh,andChang-HeeLee,Member,IEEE Abstract—Weproposeanddemonstrateanovelwavelength self-managedopticalsourceforaccessnetworks.Bypo...
《IEEE Photonics Technology Letters》是一个专注于光子技术和光学工程领域的国际学术期刊,属于IEEE(...
《IEEE 光子技术快报》(Ieee Photonics Technology Letters)是一本以工程技术-工程:电子与电气综合研究为特色的国际期刊。该刊由Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.出版商创刊于1989年,刊期Monthly。该刊已被国际重要权威数据库SCIE收录。期刊聚焦工程技术-工程:电子与电气领域的重点研究和前沿进展,及...
IEEE Photonic Technology Letters,作为老牌光电类杂志,以其高质量的文章内容而受到业界广泛关注。虽然在影响因子上稍显偏弱,但这并未影响其在行业内的高度认可。该期刊位于中科院3区,最新影响因子为2.414,显示了其在学术界的持续影响力。自引率保持在安全范围内,表明其内容的原创性和学术价值。发文...
内容提示: 2368 IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, VOL. 18, NO. 22, NOVEMBER 15, 2006All-Optical Format Conversion From NRZ to BPSKUsing a Single Saturated SOACishuo Yan, Yikai Su, Member, IEEE, Lilin Yi, Student Member, IEEE, Lufeng Leng, Member, IEEE,Xiangqing Tian, Student Member, ...
2478 IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, VOL. 17, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 2005Slot Timing Considerations in Optical PacketSwitching NetworksBenjamin A. Small, Student Member, IEEE, and Keren Bergman, Member, IEEEAbstract—Slottimingmarginsandlatencycharacteristicsarein-vestigated experimentally in a fully impleme...
906 IEEE PHOTONICS TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, VOL. 16, NO. 3, MARCH 2004??? Alternate-Phase On–Off Keyed 42.7 Gb/sLong-Haul Transmission Over 1980 km ofStandard Single-Mode FiberDouglas M. Gill, Alan H. Gnauck, Xiang Liu, Xing Wei, and Yikai SuAbstract—The authors present 42.7-Gb/s return...