Following is the list of accepted ICASSP 2024 papers, sorted by paper title. You can use the search feature of your web browser to find your paper number. Notifications to all authors have also been sent by email. If you have not received your notification of the results by email, please...
Link to the image: The 2025 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI) provides an international platform for sharing the latest advances in the field of computational intelligence. This conference ...
IEEE ECCE2024征稿! CCE 2024将于2024年10月20-24日在美国亚利桑那州凤凰城举办。目前正在广泛征集投稿digest。 Digest截止日期延期至2024年3月29日。 详情请见: ECCE 2024组委员诚邀大家踊跃投稿,欢迎广大中国学者参会交流! Energy Conversion Systems and Applicati...
IEEE ICTMOD is the most prestigious conference in technology managament, operations and decisions. The conference activities are primarily delivered by and for academics, though many of the papers and panels have a strong professional orientation. ...
IEEE publishes more than1,700 leading-edge conference proceedingsevery year, which are recognized by academia and industry worldwide as the most vital collection of consolidated published papers in electrical engineering, computer sc...
a journal is considered primary research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research (research articles, conference papers and reviews) in three year windows vs. those documents other than research articles, reviews and conference papers...
Submission of final papers Sept. 15th, 2022 More Participation Opportunities Tutorials Several high-quality tutorials will be offered on Sunday, November 4, 2022. Prospective lecturers are invited to send a proposal beforeJuly 30, ...
会议日期: 2024-08-26 会议地点: Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia 浏览:4601关注:2参加:2 征稿 Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished papers on all aspects of artificial intelligence. Topics include but not limited to: Affective Computing Biomedical Engineering Big Data Communication Technology Data ...
• Technology, trends, roadmaps, bottlenecks and the future of switched capacitor converters • Advanced resonant and soft-switching techniques for switched capacitor converters • Hybrid of flying capacitor and switched capacitor • Application of wide band-gap devices on high frequency switched ...
RTAS is a top-tier conference with a focus on systems with timing requirements. RTAS’25 welcomes papers describing applications, case studies, methodologies, tools, algorithms or operating systems, middleware or hardware innovations that contribute to the state of the art in the design, implementatio...