首先是Article Type选择提交类型,看样子是可以选择paper或者comment两种 然后就是一堆需要确认的条款 (最后一条还专门申明不接收含有lena图片的论文) 其中有些条款的链接还是适合看一看的,把地址留在这里,以便日后需要查看: Author Guidelines https://www.ieee.org/ieee-data-access-and-use-policy.html. IEEE Subm...
Note that as the Editor in Chief I do not get involved into technical details of each paper as we have over 1300 papers annually and for this reason I rely on the assigned AE to make publication decisions. Eventhough you may be right in certain aspects as no review process is perfect I...
rigorous review process (transactions must use a refereeing process) 這裡說明了Transaction 必須經過Refereeing 才可以 如果有人對其他形式的publication 如magazine, newsletter, proceeding 有興趣IEEE 的IEEE Policy 6.6 倒是有一些描述可供參考. 解析三大检索—SCI、EI、ISTP 文章分类:Java编程 · SCI--Science Ci...
Will this publication include something other than traditional articles (software, multimedia, message boards, etc.) 另外, 在文章中有這麼一句話, Please provide an overview of the proposed editorial process. Will articles go through a full refereeing process, or a less rigorous review process (trans...
This paper makes two important contributions. First, we present a study of the potential improvements in Internet round-trip times (RTTs) and transfer speeds from employing multihoming route control. Our analysis shows that multihoming to 3 or more ISPs and cleverly scheduling traffic across the ...
IEEE complies with U.S. government regulations which restrict the ability of the listed Huawei companies and their employees to participate in certain activities that are not generally open to the public. This includes certain aspects of the publication peer review and editorial process. ...
Intended to be a starting point for the Committee prize paper selection process ? MSC will populate basic peer review decision data and reviewers scores ? Commi 30、ttee can augment as desired Look for an FAQ distribution when reports become available Page 55 Duties of the Vice-Chair, Papers ...
TITLEOFPAPER/ARTICLE/REPORT,INCLUDINGALLCONTENTINANYFORM,FORMAT,ORMEDIA(hereinafter,“theWork”): COMPLETELISTOFAUTHORS: IEEEPUBLICATIONTITLE(Journal,Magazine,Conference,Book):CNMT2010 CopyrightTransfer 1.TheundersignedherebyassignstoTheInstituteofElectricalandElectronicsEngineers,Incorporated(the“IEEE”)allrights...
ieee的期刊gallery proof发现错误了还会再次proof吗? 返回给publications editor两个错误,一个是公式上的错误,笔误两个内容给抄混了,还有一个是参考文献里的一个笔误,字母错误。不知道返回之后,他们还会再次返回proof给我确认吗? Elsevier是一遍,之后就等待出版了。不知道IEEE是咋样的?求教。谢谢。
In this paper we study the complexity of the Subgraph Bisimulation Problem, which stands to graph bisimulation as subgraph isomorphism stands to graph isomorphism, and we prove its NP-completeness. Our analysis is motivated by recent requirements coming from semistructured databases, where Subgraph Bisi...