10、杰出服务奖 (OUTSTANDING SERVICE AWARD) 描述:表彰对AP-S的重大贡献和杰出服务。 奖励:奖牌。 资格:对于个人奖项,IEEE 天线和传播协会的成员有资格获得;对于团队奖励,团队负责人应是 IEEE 天线和传播协会的成员。 评判依据: 对 IEEE 天线和传播协会的卓越服务。 颁奖:在年度天线和传播研讨会期间的颁奖会上。
Presents the Carl Barus Award given to Rebecca Leaf by the Society of Social Implications of Technology (SSIT) of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) on May 13, 1997. Criteria for giving the award; How the story of Leaf begins with equally remarkable story of ...
Wu Wenjun AI Highest Achievement Award (2023), the Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation (2022), the Outstanding Contribution Award of Guangdong Province (2021), the CCF Wang Xuan Aw...
IAS)在全球范围内遴选出了五位专家授予他们2022年度IEEE IAS学会奖(IEEE IAS Society-level Award)荣誉,来自中国华北电力大学的青年学者Zhaohao Ding(丁肇豪)副教授因其在分布式需求侧资源调度与控制领域的杰出贡献,被授予2022年度唯一的IEEE IAS杰出青年成就奖(IEEE IAS Andrew W. Smith Outstanding Young Member Achiev...
IEEE CEDA Outstanding Service Recognition(杰出服务奖)颁发给志愿者,以表彰他们对EDA社区的杰出承诺和服务。 竞赛活动 1、ICCAD SRC 2013年ICCAD SRC成为ACM SRC的一部分。比赛旨在为本科生与研究生提供展示研究成果的平台以期展示本科生和研究生的研究水平。清华大学姚颂成为本科生第一个冠军。
Distinguished Service Award, NGAS Distinguished Engineer, National Asian American Engineer of the Year Award (AAEOY), JANNAF Outstanding Achievement Award, NGST Distinguished Patent Award and Chairman’s Award for Innovation. His extensive volunteer activities include LAC Chapter chair, APEC conference ch...
(2023), Wu Wenjun AI Highest Achievement Award (2023), the Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress of Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation (2022), the Outstanding Contribution Award of Guangdong Province (2021), the CCF W...
Dr. Tolbert is a Fellow of the IEEE and a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of Tennessee. He was the recipient of the 2001 IEEE Industry Applications Society Outstanding Young Member Award, and six prize paper awards from the IEEE Industry Applications Society and IEEE Power ...
IEEE信号处理协会因其“对《IEEE信号处理杂志》做出的杰出贡献及优秀的领导才能”(for extraordinary service contributions and outstanding leadership of the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine)为邓立博士颁发了功勋服务奖(Meritorious Service Award)。 2009-2011三年间,邓立博士在微软研究院工作业余时间担任了《IEEE信号...
H. Landis Floyd Outstanding Service Award: Paul B. Sullivan Excellence in Prevention through Design Award: Nehad El-Sherif Technical Achievement Award: Marcia B. Eblen and Tom A. Short Young Professional Achievement Award: Daniel Majano These awards are an essential part of the event, as they hi...