2017.11.16,小修提交,自信满满会中,under Review。2017.11.20,Minor Revision,第二个审稿人也通过...
近日,电子科技大学数学学院2018级本科生苗宇春在国际权威期刊IEEETransactionson Geoscience and Remote Sensing(IEEE TGRS,SCI Zone 1,Impact Factor)发表论文5.6)论文《超光谱去太阳化利用无监督空间和空间深度先验》,苗宇春是论文的第一作者,张量微积分与建模团队赵锡乐教授和俄勒冈州立大学付晓助理教授为通讯作者。 高...
Digital Object Identi,er 101109/JSTARS 20122187434 Fig 1 Illustration of the manual band removal procedure number of training samples is limited in most of the hyperspec-tral applications.Meanwhile, the high dimensionality of hyper-spectral data leads to a big increase in the computational time,and...