This information will be used to send each author a complimentary copy of the journal in which the paper appears. In addition, designate one author as the “corresponding author.” This is the author to whom proofs of the paper will be sent. Proofs are sent to the corresponding author only...
Also, send a sheet of paper or PDF with complete contact information for all authors. Include full mailing addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses. This information will be used to send each author a complimentary copy of the journal in which the paper appears. In ...
II.ProcedureforPaperSubmission A.ManuscriptPreparing Whenyouarepreparingyourmanuscript,openthe ICSGCE-Template.docandrenameitintoyourown.doc. Thentypeoversectionsdirectlyinthetemplate,orsimply cutandpastefromanotherdocumentandthenformatthem bymeansofformatpaintbrush.Useitalicsforemphasis;do ...
to insert images in word, position the cursor at the insertion this work was supported by national science council, taipei, taiwan, r.o.c. project no. nsc xx-xxxx-x-xxx-xxx.. journal in which the paper appears. in addition, designate one ...
to insert images in word, position the cursor at the insertion this work was supported by national science council, taipei, taiwan, r.o.c. project no. nsc xx-xxxx-x-xxx-xxx.. journal in which the paper appears. in addition, designate one author as the — corresponding author. I this ...
to insert images in word, position the cursor at theinsertion this work was supported by national science council,taipei, taiwan, r.o.c. project no. nsc xx-xxxx-x-xxx-xxx.. journal in which the paper appears. in addition, designateone author as the―corresponding author.‖this is the au...
格式[1] A. Author, “Title of Article,” Abbrev. Title of Journal vol. x, no. x, pp. ...
Before submitting your final paper, check that the format conforms to this template. Specifically, check the appearance of the title and author block, the appearance of section headings, document margins, column width, column spacing and other features. If the appearance is different from what is...
Abstract—These instructions give you guidelines for preparing papers for IEEE TRANSACTIONS and JOURNALS. Use this document as a template if you are using Microsoft Word 6.0 or later. Otherwise, use this document as an instruction set. The electronic file of your paper will be formatted further ...
Before submitting your final paper, check that the format conforms to this template. Specifically, check the appearance of the title and author block, the appearance of section headings, document margins, column width, column spacing and other features. If the appearance is different from what is...