期刊论文 格式[1] A. Author, “Title of Article,” Abbrev. Title of Journal vol. x, no. x...
3. 至於 Journal 的內容, 是屬於比較雜的. Journal 所收錄的內容介於 Transaction 及 Letter 間,可收錄 Short Paper 也可收錄 Regular Paper. 以IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 為例, IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics is published monthly.It comprises original contributions, both regular papers and ...
可以看到的是, Letter 的內容通常是 Short Paper, 有即時性的, 而Transaction 收錄的內容則沒有這個在時間上的特性. 3 至於 Journal 的內容, 是屬於比較雜的. Journal 所收錄的內容介於 Transaction 及 Letter 間,可收錄 Short Paper 也可收錄 Regular Paper. 以IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 為例, IE...
4.Unsigned journal article(未署名的期刊文章) "Lyme Disease," Science, vol. 298, no. 5. p. 31, Dec. 1990. 5.Paper in a proceeding/conference(会议论文) P.Matasayo and J. Lotz, "A Study of Item and Factor Analysis," in Proc. IOOC-ECOC'85, 1985, pp. 106-115. 6.Paper presented...
Main Document - PDF Required .pdf The manuscript should be submitted in double-column, single-spaced format using the required IEEE article templates. You may find the journal's specific templates using theIEEE Template Selector. 关于如何上传latex文档 ...
nsc xx-xxxx-x-xxx-xxx.journal in which the paper appears. in addition, designate oneauthor as the corresponding author. this is the author towhom proofs of the paper will be sent. proofs are sent to thecorresponding author only.fonts when creating your figures, if possible. 4) other way...
publication in a transactions or journal. ix. conclusion a conclusion section is not required. although aconclusion may review the main points of the paper, do not replicatethe abstract as the conclusion. a conclusion might elaborateon the importance of the work or suggest applicationsand extensions...
刊登关于某特殊主题的文章的期刊 magazine 杂志:综合性内容的期刊 transactions(学会等的 )议事录 ,会报 ,会刊 proceedings记录 , 会议录 ; 年 [学]报 ; (科学文献 )汇编 二、 IEEE 分类 IEEE 的 paper 大体分为 3 类, letter,magazine,journal/transaction. IEEE letter: 属于快报形式, 一般发表最新的研究...
journal in which the paper appears. in addition, designate one author as the ―corresponding author. ‖ this is the author to whom proofs of the paper will be sent. proofs are sent to the corresponding author only. fonts when creating your figures, if possible. ...
PreparingyourElectronicPaper Prepareyourpaperinfull-sizeformat,onUSletterpaper8 ½by11inches).ForA4paper,usetheA4settings. TypeSizesandTypefaces:Followthetypesizesspecifiedin TableI.Asanaidingaugingtypesize,1pointisabout0.35 mm.Thesizeofthelowercaseletter‘j’willgivethepoint ...