2. Initial Review: Once the paper is submitted, it goes through an initial review by the journal's editorial staff. During this stage, the editors assess the paper's overall suitability for the journal, including its relevance,originality, and adherence to the journal's requirements. This revie...
"Undergoing review" 意思是正在接受审查。在IEEE的某期刊中,这意味着文章正在审查过程中。
1. IEEE TVT 的 Under Review 是什么? 在投稿至 IEEE TVT 后,文章会经历一系列审稿流程,其中最关键的 ieeetim流程(一) ieeetim 流程(一) ieeetim 简介 什么是 ieeetim? ieeetim 是一个在线的学术期刊管理系统,旨在帮助学术期刊编 辑和作者管理与出版学术论文相关的工作流程。 ieeetim 提供的功能 • 论文...
with its own information to transmit. We refer to this form of space diversity as cooperative diversity (cf., user cooperation diversity of [6]) because the terminals share their antennas and other resources to create a “virtual array” through distributed transmission and signal processing. ...
ieee transaction on knowledge en under review Title: An Analysis of IEEE Transactions on Knowledge Engineering: Under Review Introduction: As technology evolves, it is imperative to continuously explore new methodologies and techniques to enhanceknowledge engineering and its applications. The IEEE ...
大家好,我最近投了一篇文章在 IEEE Trans on ITS 上,已经12天,状态一直是waiting AE ...
This table shows the ranking of this journal in its subject categories based on Impact Factor.Cate...
“authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor which is under review for another refereed publication. If authors have used their own previously published work(s) as a basis for a new submission, they are required to cite the previous work(s...