2021年共有151种IEEE期刊获得影响因子(Impact Factor,IF),总的来看,“有涨有跌”。 其中,老牌神刊IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine年度IF值狂跌至6.625;年度IF值曾达到10.486的IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid今年继续缓慢回升,增长至8.960,智能电网依然是电气工程学科发展的主导方向;传统顶级期刊IEEE Transactions o...
1 Progress in Quantum Electronics 2 Proceedings of the IEEE 3 IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 4 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 5 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 6 IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 7 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics...
2021年共有151种IEEE期刊获得影响因子(Impact Factor,IF),总的来看,“有涨有跌”。 其中,老牌神刊IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine年度IF值狂跌至6.625;年度IF值曾达到10.486的IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid今年继续缓慢回升,增长至8.960,智能电网依然是电气工程学科发展的主导方向;传统顶级期刊IEEE Transactions o...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics(IEEE TIE)是工业电子领域的顶级学术期刊,本文将详细探讨IEEE TIE期刊的水平,并分析其在学术界的地位和影响力。 IEEE TIE期刊概述 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics(IEEE TIE)由美国电气电子工程师学会(IEEE)出版,创刊于1969年。该期刊专注于工业电子技术的最新研究...
2019年6月20日,Journal Citation Reports®2018年SCI期刊影响因子(Impact Factor,IF)发布。与去年相比,电气工程领域内绝大部分SCI期刊的IF都有不同程度的上涨。其中,IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine继续领跑,年度IF值高达13.241;IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid再次创造纪录,年度IF值首次破10,达到了惊人的10.486,...
影响因子( Impact Factor简称IF ) 是美国ISI(科学信息研究所)的JCR ( Journal Citation Reports: 期刊引用报告) 中的一项数据,即某期刊前两年发表的论文在统计当年的被引用总次数除以该期刊前两年内发表的论文总数。它是一种测度期刊有用性和显示度的指标,也是测度期刊的学术水平,乃至论文质量的重要指标。一般来...
and human factors. Principal focus is on aerospace, communications, components and hybrids, computers, industrial electronics, lasers and electro-optics, medical electronics, nuclear and fossil power systems, and transportation systems. Reliability is integral to Availability, Maintainability, Quality, and ...
* Electronics & Control: Analog Circuits, Filters and Data Conversion, Analog and Mixed Signal Processing, Embedded Computer System, Robotics, VLSI Design, Biomedical Electronics, Industrial Electronics and Automation, Adaptive Control, Electric Circuit Technology, Fault Tolerance and Detection, Semiconductor...
It encompasses all practical aspects of the theory and methods of mechatronics, the synergetic integration of mechanical engineering with electronic and intelligent computer control in the design and manufacture of industrial products and processes. The ten technical areas included are: Modeling and Design...
Research Impact Score*: 13 Impact Factor: 6.5 SCIMAGO SJR: 3.827 SCIMAGO H-index: 307 Research Ranking (Electronics and Electrical Engineering) 15 Research Ranking (Engineering and Technology) 20 Number of Best scientists*: 141 Documents by best scientists*: 645 Journal...