当在一句中引用多个文献时,参考文献的编号之间用逗号和空格分隔,例如:Several studies [1, 2, 3] ...
3、格式 a) Accept format :TIFF,PS and EPS b) Line art :black white bitmap and no grayscale. c) Photographics: grayscale 4、命名 naming your grahics a) 全用小写字母,图中不能包含图片说明(caption ),但是对于多个组成部分的图片需用(a ),(b)(c) 等进行编号。图中的字体用Times New Roman,...
Subscript 7pt Then type over sections directly in the template, or simply cut Sub-subscript 6pt and paste from another document and then format them by Symbol 12pt means of format paintbrush. Use italics for emphasis; do not Sub-symbol 8pt underline. Do not change the font sizes, margins,...
The authors must follow the instructions given in the document for the papers to be published. You can use this document as both an instruction set and as a template into which you can type your own text.First AuthorSecond AuthorThird Author...
19、r paper, it must be submitted on the ICMLC2007 web site electronically using WORD and PDF format. Do not send hard copies or use other file formats they will not be accepted.Proper usage of the English language is expected of all submissions (i.e., Camera-ready papers). Make sure ...
2.12. Final version After proofreading your paper, it must be submitted on the ICMLC2007 web site electronically using WORD and PDF format. Do not send hard copies or use other file formats – they will not be accepted. Proper usage of the English language is expected of all submissions (...
August13-162007.Thisdocumenthasbeenprepared usingtherequiredformat.Theelectroniccopyofthisdocumentcanbe foundin:///. Thepaperistobewrittenintwo-columnformatandberightand leftjustified.Thecolumnwidthshouldbe85mm3.35inches.Thegap betweenthetwocolumnsshouldbe5mm0.2inches. Instructionsforauthors Inorderfortheproceed...
The gap between the two columns should be 5 mm (0.2 inches).Instructions for authorsIn order for the proceedings to be ready for distribution at the conference, an electronic copy of the final version of your paper (the Camera-Ready paper) must be submitted (WORD and PDF format) to the ...
a) Accept format:TIFF,PS and EPS b) Line art:black & white bitmap and no grayscale. c) Photographics: grayscale 4、命名 naming your grahics a) 全用小写字母,图中不能包含图片说明(caption),但是对于多个组成部分的图片需用(a),(b)(c) ...
If you would prefer to use LATEX, download IEEE’s LATEX style and sample files from the same Web page. Use these LATEX files for formatting, but please follow the instructions in TRANS-JOUR.DOC or TRANS-JOUR.PDF. If your paper is intended for a conference, please contact your conference...