BanquetTickets (USD50PerTicket)(RMB370PerTicket) TotalRegistrationFee (SumofFeeinRegistrationCategory&AdditionalCharges) RegistrationFeePaymentMethods Method1--ByBankCheque Amount(inUSD)ChequeNumber BankDate Method2--ByCreditCard CreditType(Visa,MasterCard): CreditCardNumber: ExpirationDate: AmounttoBe...
The payment portal allows various payment types such as credit card, bank wire transfers, check, preapproved waivers, special payment circumstances, and third party billing. Please note that split payments are not supported at this time. If you have any questions about article processing charges, ...
The payment portal allows various payment types such as credit card, bank wire transfers, check, preapproved waivers, special payment circumstances, and third party billing. Please note that split payments are not supported at this time. If you have any questions about article processing charges, ...
Plagiarism: All submissions are checked for originality using the plagiarism detection software CrossCheck. Manuscripts that are found to have plagiarized others; copying someone else’s work without appropriate credit, that contain a significant crossover with another manuscript by the same authors or o...