Line commutated converter (LCC)和Modular multilevel converter (MMC)作为高压直流(HVDC)输电系统的换流器已成为行业共识,但在中压直流(MVDC)配电系统中尚未有定论。我们近期的工作对此进行了分析和讨论,以Open Access开源形式发表在IEEE Trans. Power Del.上,和大家分享一下,欢迎批评指正。 G. Abeynayake, G. ...
TI/德州仪器 电源 DCR010505U 隔离式DC/DC转换器 Mini 1W Iso Regs DC/DC Converter +85C 德州仪器品牌 深圳市天元鑫半导体有限公司 4年 查看详情 ¥0.10/个 广东深圳 ADS8330IBPWR 模数转换器(ADC) 21+ 工作温度范围 SAR +85C 深圳市冠亿通科技有限公司 5年 查看详情 ¥6.00/个 广东深圳 AD7942BR...
Experimental control of chaotic behavior of buck converter IEEE Transcations on Circuits and Systems-I: Fundamental The- ory and Applications 42, No. 8, 502-504.Experimental control of chaotic behavior of buck ... G Poddar,K Chakrabarty,S Banerjee - 《IEEE Transactions on Circuits & Systems I...
IEEE1394/GbE converter oriented to multimedia transmission and data collection systemThe invention implements conversion from IEEE 1394 protocol to Gigabit Ethernet protocol by using SOPC technology and synergistic design for software and hardware. A digital camera based on 1394 protocol is connected with...
Hex values are right-padded, so you can just type the first few characters and hit enter if needs be. Also, you can just enter decimal values for the single/double entries and it'll immediately convert to hex and show the numeric decode. ...
successful operation of LVDC and MVDC systems include: 1) multi-port converters and energy routers for controllable integration and power flow, 2) converter control and hierarchical control architecture for safe operations and ...
This paper proposes a transformer based self-starting boost converter for thermoelectric energy harvesting, which operates even when polarity inversion of thermoelectric generator (TEG) occurs. TEG is used to convert thermal energy into electrical energy. Due to the Seebeck effect, an open circuit volt...
Online binary converter. Supports all types of variables, including single and double precision IEEE754 numbers
The IEEE1394-Ethernet protocol converter has the advantages of good real-time property, high transmission speed, portability and flexibility, high reliability, large application space and the like, and can solve the problem that the gigabit Ethernet products cannot communicate and connect with IEEE1394...
Online binary converter. Supports all types of variables, including single and double precision IEEE754 numbers