CVPR(International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,计算机视觉和模式识别领域的顶级...
5 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security/ CS/ ACM计算机与通信安全会议 6 IEEEMilitary Communications Conference/ MILCOM/ IEEE军事通信会议 7 International Broadcasting Convention/ IBC/ 国际广播会议 8 IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference/ WCNC/ IEEE无线通信和网络会议 9 SPIECon...
trans系列只能说是IEEE旗下不错的期刊系列。比如IEEE trans VLSI虽然是四区的期刊,但是文章质量很高,之所以分区不高是因为审稿很严,自引率不高。TNNLS绝对不是顶刊,只能说是个影响因子高的刊物。KBS也是中科院分区的顶刊,你能说KBS是顶刊吗。顶刊还是看CCF推荐或者业内人士例如周志华的ppt上写的那...
IEEE INFOCOM '88 : the conference on computer communications : proceedings : Seventh Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies : networks: evolution or revolution? Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Covers:...
3. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM): 这是一个高影响力的计算机网络领域的国际会议,关注计算机网络与数字通信技术的研究。 4. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA): 这是在机器人学和自动化领域中非常重要的一个国际会议,涵盖了从基础研究到系统开发的...
CTESPInternational Conference on Computer Technology, Electrocommunication and Signal Processing2020-05-182020-05-222020-05-30 IC4EInternational Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management, and E-Learning2025-02-152025-03-102025-04-26
★Full name: IEEE--2024 the 10th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC 2024) ★Venue: Chengdu, China ★Time: December 13-16, 2024 ★Website: ★Hosted by: Southwest Jiaotong University, China; University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,...
IEEE INFOCOM is a top-ranked networking conference of the IEEE Communications Society. IEEE INFOCOM 2024 solicits research papers describing significant and innovative research contributions to the field of computer and data communication networks. We invite submissions on a wide range of research topics...
[IEEE IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications - Honolulu, HI, USA (2018.4.16-2018.4.19)] IEEE INFOCOM 201 星级: 9 页 [IEEE IEEE INFOCOM 2018 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications - Honolulu, HI, USA (2018.4.16-2018.4.19)] IEEE INFOCOM 201 星级: 9 页...
IEEE INFOCOM 2022(International Conference on Computer Communications,国际计算机通信会议)于5月2日至5日以线上会议的形式举行。IEEE INFOCOM是通信网络领域的顶级会议,也是CCF A类会议,它由IEEE Communications Society组织举办。IEEE INFOCOM侧重于通信网络领域的基础理论研究与系统设计实现,并为研究人员提供发布创新性成...