在IEEE格式中,文内引用(in-text citations)应该出现在句末和在句号之前。参考文献的编号放在方括号内,而且在数字与句子之间没有标点符号,例如: [1] states that the use of renewable energy sources is increasing. 当在一句中引用多个文献时,参考文献的编号之间用逗号和空格分隔,例如: Several studies [1, 2...
Check the IEEE in text citation example from the guide:“…the best conclusion for my study [12].”“This hypothesis was initially offered in 1978 [2].”“Muniz [3] has argued that…”“The previous investigations of the topic [2], [7], [9], [13] have shown that…”“Image [8]...
Example: IEEE in-text citationsFlann [11] argues strongly in favor of this method. However, as mentioned earlier [1], [3], [7]–[9], several objections have been made … A more concise option is to treat the citations as nouns in your sentence, in which case you don’t mention ...
在IEEE格式中,文内引用(in-text citations)应该出现在句末和在句号之前。参考文献的编号放在方括号内,而且在数字与句子之间没有标点符号,例如: [1] states that the use of renewable energy sources is increasing. 当在一句中引用多个文献时,参考文献的编号之间用逗号和空格分隔,例如: Several studies [1, 2,...
Example: IEEE in-text citations treated as nouns[1] suggests that further investigation is required. But according to [2], … In both cases, the bracketed number alone indicates a citation. You should never label the number with a word like “reference” or “citation.” Reference [1] [...
InIEEE format,in-text citationsshould appear at the end of a sentence and before the period. The reference number is placed in square brackets, with no punctuation between the number and the sentence. For example: [1] states that the use of renewable energy sources is increasing. ...
IEEE Video Citation: [1]Title. City: Publisher, Year Published. Example: [1]She's the man.Andy Fickman, 2006. IEEE Image Citation: [1] Author Initial. Author Surname,Title.Year Published. Example: [1]Aurora Australis from Space.2014. ...
在IEEE格式中,文内引用(in-text citations)应该出现在句末和在句号之前。参考文献的编号放在方括号内,而且在数字与句子之间没有标点符号,例如: [1] states that the use of renewable energy sources is increasing. 当在一句中引用多个文献时,参考文献的编号之间用逗号和空格分隔,例如: ...
IEEE format example In-text example: The sky is blue [1]. Bibliography example: [1] S. Cottrell,The study skills handbook. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Manage all your citations in one place Create projects, add notes, cite directly from the browser and scan books’ barcodes with...
\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \begin{document} This is an example of a paragraph with in-text citations using the IEEEtran BibTeX style. Here