截稿日期: 2024-08-31 通知日期: 2024-10-31 会议日期: 2025-01-20 会议地点: Hyderabad, India 届数: 3 浏览:3902关注:0参加:0 征稿 Tracks Definition Track 1 Agriculture and Food Technology Sensors and Systems for micro/macro nutrients, water conservation, soil ...
AP-S/URSI This conference is cosponsored by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) and the US National Committee (USNC) for the International Union of Radio Science (URSI). It is intended to provide an international forum for the exchange of information on state-of-the-art ...
近日,香港中文大学(深圳)理工学院杨升浩副教授和陈怿研究助理教授团队的论文“Erasure Coding-based Non-conservative Network Communication: A Ground Up Approach”被IEEE计算机通信国际会议IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications ...
最后更新Dream_2013 Dream_2013在 2024-07-14 相关会议 CCFCOREQUALIS简称全称截稿日期通知日期会议日期 RDAAPSReconciling Data Analytics, Automation, Privacy, and Security2020-12-212021-02-222021-05-17 PACLINGInternational Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics2019-06-152019-08-07...
期刊邮箱: 投稿网址: 期刊网址: 出版商网址: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION《IEEE天线与传播汇刊》 (官网投稿) 简介 期刊简称IEEE T ANTENN PROPAG 参考译名《IEEE天线与传播汇刊》 核心类别...
近日,2024年IEEE声学、语音与信号处理国际会议ICASSP 2024(2024 IEEEInternationalConference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing)宣布录用奇富科技关于语音情感计算的最新研究成果论文“MS-SENet: Enhancing Speech Emotion Recognition Through Multi-scale FeatureFusionWith Squeeze-and-excitation Blocks”。ICASSP上...
Website: Organizers IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) 5829 Bellanca Drive, Elkridge, MD 21075, Elkridge United States Tel: +1-410-796-5866 Future Dates: IEEE IMAS 2026TBD, TBD ...
现任IEEE学习技术技术委员会(TCLT)主席(2018~2023),IEEE计算机学会特殊技术社区执行委员会成员,亚太教育计算机学会执行委员会成员(2017~2024, APSCE) 和全球华人教育计算学会 (2016~2021, GCSCE),国际智能学习环境协会 (IASLE) 秘书兼财务主管 (2019~),IEEE 加拿大北部分会教育活动委员会主席 (2021) .Maiga ...
APSCC 2012 : The 7th IEEE International Conference on Asia-Pacific Services Computing ConferencedqzhangsnetcloudabhigupfeifeichenHardeep
IET Radar Conference、SPIE Sensors + Imaging Conference、International Radar Symposium、IGARSS、Apsar、European Radar Conference、EUSAR、IEEE Radar Conference、EUCAP、ICASSP等,这些都是雷达方面比较知名的国际会议,其出版物均为EI核心检索。可以多去IEEE\IET\CIE\APS等机构官网查询会议的召开、征稿通知,这些EI国际...