IEEE的宗旨:Advancing Technology for Humanity(为 人类 推动科技进步) 昨日,一封IEEE下令禁止华为员工作为审稿人的email震惊了整个学术圈。 “炸”翻学术圈的IEEE禁令截止目前,国内外已有多位学者对此事予以表态,也证实了该邮件内容属实,我们来看邮件具体内容: 邮件中提到的FAQ文件第12项规定内容如下: 简单来说就是,...
ieee advancing technology for humanity IEEE为增进人类的技术 双语对照 例句:1.Oh, no, the habitat for humanity was this weekend?哦不'人性家园'是在这个周末吗?--- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
Deepak Mathur is the Director of IEEE Region 10 (Asia-Pacific). IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the bene...
IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
“IEEE” is often referred to as “the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.” 解释:这是对IEEE功能和目标的描述,突出了其在技术领域的全球领导地位和对人类福祉的贡献。 “It's a prominent organiza...
“AdvancingTechnologyForHumanity” 非盈利组织,致力于为人类谋福祉 FourCoreareasofactivity 核心业务领域 –Membershiporganization –Conferencesorganizer –Standardsdeveloper –LeadingPublisher Whatwedo我们正在做什么 Publishthetop-citedscienceandtechnologyresearchinthe ...
PISCATAWAY, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Smart Grid's technical, economic and political challenges are myriad; its potential benefits, perhaps unprecedented, say experts at IEEE, the world's largest professional association advancing technology for humanity. IEEE is home to the world's leading Smar...
IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.
IEEE. Advancing Technology For Humanity Celebration 125 Years of Engineering the Future.www.ieee125....