acmieeesoftwareengineeringcodeofethicsand届acmieee软件工程职业道德规范和464646 系统标签: softwareethicscodeengineering职业道德engineers Preamble “SoftwareEngineersarethosewhocontribute bydirectparticipationorbyteaching,tothe analysis,specification,design,development, certification,maintenance,andtestingof softwaresystems....
3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
2021年8月,ACM官网发布声明,开除其ACM会员资格,断绝与李涛的一切联系。 在论文已经撤稿、涉事教授被调查并辞职、ACM做出了最严厉的「开除」处罚后,媒体和公众的目光都聚焦在了IEEE身上。 人们普遍猜测,在事件过程清晰,结论明确的情况下,IEEE的的严厉处罚应该不会太久。 结果时隔一年半,IEEE的结论和处理结果才水落...
IEEE Code of Ethics 1 IEEE Code of Ethics To accept responsibility in making engineering decisions consistent with the safety, health and welfare of the public, and to disclose promptly factors that might endanger the public or the environment; ...
Rogerson. Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice. (n.d). Retrieved May 28, 2004, from .ACM/IEEE-CS (1999) Software engineering code of ethics and professional practice... D Gotterbarn - 《Acm Sigsoft Software Engineering Notes...
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CODE OF ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE IEEE-CS/ACM Joint Task Force on Software Engineering Ethics and Professional Practices Full Version PREAMBLE Computers have a central and growing role in commerce, industry, government, medicine, education, entertainment and society at large. ...
By applying the joint ACM/IEEE-CS Software\nEngineering Code of Ethics, this paper will show that Tesla's choices and\nactions during this event are inconsistent with the code and are unethical\nsince they are responsible for adequately testing and honestly marketing their\nproduct.Kevin Vincent...
jointtaskforceoftheComputerSociety andtheACMhasrecentlyestablished anotherlinchpinofprofessionalismfor softwareengineering:acodeofethics. Afteranextensivereviewprocess,ver- sion5.2oftheSoftwareEngineering CodeofEthicsandProfessionalPractice, recommendedlastyearbytheIEEE- CS/ACMJointTaskForceonSoftware ...