Original Manuscript ID:Access-20xx-xxxxx Original Article Title: " " To:IEEE Access Editor Re:Response to reviewers Dear Editor, Thank you for allowing a resubmission of our manuscript, with an opportunity to address the reviewers’ ...
To:IEEE Access Editor Re:Response to reviewers Dear Editor,Thank you for allowing aresubmissionof ...
Original Manuscript ID:Access-20xx-xxxxx Original Article Title: " " To:IEEE Access Editor Re:Response to reviewers Dear Editor, Thank you for allowing a resubmission of our manuscript, with an opportunity to address the reviewers’ comments. We are uploading (a) our point-by-point response to...
由于初次投稿IEEE Access,所以格外的紧张和谨慎。从首次投稿到审稿专家返回审稿意见,再从修改审稿意见到再次投稿,直到最终被接受以及提交终稿。一步步下来,感觉收获颇多。 首次投稿 首先登陆https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ieee-access,然后Author–>Start New Submission Step 1: Type, Titile, & Abstract 这一步填...
Response-to-Reviewers:对审稿意见的逐条回应 Cover Letter:给编辑的信,感谢编辑、表明已修改好、文章创新点、无利益冲突等 Author Biography:作者照片和简介 终稿提交: Manuscript in MS Word(或Manuscript in Latex):稿件源文件 FINAL Article:pdf版本的终稿 ...
ieee access审稿人能看到其他审稿人的对文章的评论和推荐(录用或拒绝)吗,忽略response to reviewers。
response to reviewers 3. 写一封cover letter给亲爱的编辑们,说明此次投稿是拒稿重投而非一次崭新的投递。格式和内容好像也没有具体要求,所以个人认为还是清晰明了、大方得体为好。以下是个人的回复信件样例,仅供参考。(建议大家多与同学导师交流,多参考网络上的建议。) cover letter 3.2 大/小修后 稿件正式成功投...
response to reviewers 3. 写一封cover letter给亲爱的编辑们,说明此次投稿是拒稿重投而非一次崭新的投递。格式和内容好像也没有具体要求,所以个人认为还是清晰明了、大方得体为好。 以下是个人的回复信件样例,仅供参考。(建议大家多与同学导师...
should have the following regarding each comment: 1) Reviewer’s concern, 2) your response to ...
peer review with encouragement to update and resubmit, then a complete “list of updates” must be included in a separate document. The list of updates should have the following regarding each comment: 1) reviewers’ concerns, 2) authors’ response to the concerns, 3) actual changes ...