82.Allsehendes Auge der Industrie 4.0: MES als Schlussel zum erfolgreichen Industrial Internet of Things 机译:每天的行业4.0:MES作为成功工业互联网的关键 作者:Bernhard Falkner 期刊名称:《IEE Elektrische Automatisierung + Antriebstechnik》 | 2019年第6期 83.Ein eigener Roboter 机译:一个单独的机器...
Conjunct roles of client and vendor control in offshore-outsourced project performance Although control theory has often been invoked to explain the coordination between client and vendor for information systems development (ISD), insights in... S Zheng,Y Liu,Y Li,... - 《International Journal of...
Particulate Matter (PM) is the main material commonly used to show the degree of air pollution. PM material has an impact on human health and the visibility of the atmosphere. Standard gravimetric measurements and current commercial inst... H Satria,S Soekirno - 《Journal of Physics Conference...
The Internet of Things provides a promising vision of the future world where the virtual world of information technology integrates seamlessly with the real world of things. It is regarded as an ideal platform for people, as well as smart things, to communicate easily with each other not only ...
MSc and PhD students and other young professional researchers) working in any field of electrical and power engineering to present their work in an international conference dedicated to them. The accepted papers will be published in a special issue of the Acta Electrotehnica journal (ISSN 1841-3323...
She is an executive editor of the Canadian Journal of Philosophy. Editorial Board David Archard is Professor of Philosophy and Public Policy at Lancaster University. He has published extensively in social, political, legal, and applied moral philosophy, especially on the topics of children, family ...